
  1. 好呀,不过我们现在最好先预约。

    Ok , but we 'd better make a reservation mow .

  2. 这就是为啥我们建议你先预约一次“电话聊天”时间。

    That 's why it 's best to schedule a chat .

  3. 下次你就可以先预约再来。

    Then you can come back when you have an appointment .

  4. 需要先预约吗?

    Should I make a reservation first ?

  5. 你可以现在先预约,然后在时间将近时再打电话确认。

    You can make an appointment now , and then call nearer the time to confirm .

  6. 但是你需要先预约,因为这些人通常都在忙于照顾宠物们。

    But you need to make an appointment because these people are usually very busy pampering pets .

  7. 应该可以,可不可以我先预约这个时间,如果有变动我再给你打电话?

    Can we book that for now and then I 'll call to change it if I need to ?

  8. 我们不在乎隐私,也没有来访前事先预约的习惯。

    We don 't respect privacy and there is no such thing as making an appointment to see someone .

  9. 我和宋先生有个约会。我没有先预约,但事情紧急。

    I 've got an appointment with Mr. Song . I don 't have an appointment , but it 's urgent .

  10. 预约合同指当事人约定将来订立一定合同的合同,目的是在订立本合同的条件尚未成熟时,先订立预约使相对人受其约束,以确定本约的订立。

    Precontract is a promise to make a forward contract , whose purpose is to make sure the forward contract be concluded , through a precontract made by the interested parties to bound the concerned person , as the condition of concluding forward contract be not ripe .

  11. 我需要先跟你预约吗

    Do I need to make an appointment ?

  12. 如果你打算离开一段时间,那就先预定一个预约&在新月来临的时段。

    If you are going to be away , just make the initiation-book the appointments-at the time of the new moon .

  13. 德国驻华使领馆方面要求上海、浙江、江苏和安徽省的中国居民先通过官方网站预约旅游签证的面谈,然后才能获准去上海总领事馆。

    The diplomatic agency requires Chinese citizens in Shanghai , Zhejiang , Jiangsu and Anhui provinces to make reservations for tourism visa interviews through its website before they are allowed to go to the consulate .