
  • 网络Advanced Computing
  1. 在研究方法上,本文只采用了logistic回归模型进行研究,缺乏与其他模型的比较,今后可以试着学习和采用一些其它的先进计算技术,来提高研究的质量。

    In research methodology , this paper used only the logistic regression model , and there is a lack of comparison with other models . So we can try to learn and use some other advanced computing technology to improve the quality of research in the future .

  2. 本文介绍了在先进计算基础设施环境中实现科学计算可视化的方法。

    An approach to the visualization of scientific computing in the Advanced Computing Infrastructure ( ACI ) environment has been illustrated in the article .

  3. 先进计算基础设施中结点内部的任务调度和监控

    Task Scheduling and Monitor of Cluster in the Advanced Computational Infrastructure

  4. 随着计算器等先进计算工具的不断普及,对数的运算功能早已风光不再,但它仍是中学数学中的重要内容。

    As to the using of modern calculating tools , logarithmic is no longer popular , but it is still an important part of secondary school mathematics .

  5. 利用集合了生物科学、纳米尺寸工程学以及先进计算技术的团队手段,研究所的目标是找到解决复杂全球挑战的方案,并让这些发现加速进入市场。

    Using a team approach that converges the Biosciences with nanoscale engineering and advanced computing , the goal is to find solutions to complex global challenges and accelerate these discoveries to market .

  6. 在解决电池问题上,工程师们可以采用ANSYS的先进的计算流体力学软件FLUENT去检查电化学,研发先进的电池冷却方案。

    In resolving battery problems , engineers apply the advanced CFD technology of ANSYS FLUENT software to examine electrochemistry and to develop advanced battery cooling solutions .

  7. 最近几年,随着计算机硬件和软件的快速发展,对先进的计算动态随机存储器(DRAM)模块的要求一直在迅猛增长。

    The demands of DRAM are increasing rapidly along with the fast development of the computer in recent years .

  8. 而先进电信计算架构(AdvancedTelecomComputingArchitecture,ATCA)在计算性能、网络传输能力、管理性能以及专属特性设计方面和原有的计算架构相比都有着明显的优势。

    But ATCA ( Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ) has the obvious superiority in all of computing performance , the ability of network transmission , management performance as well as the private characteristic design aspect etc.

  9. 基于Internet上先进的计算环境,即J2EE多层技术计算架构,成为企业级应用的首选,对开发基于异构、多层、分布式应用提供了强大的支持。

    J2EE , the multilayer computation framework of based on the advanced computation of Internet , is the first choice of the enterprises . It provides powerful support to develop the applications with the characteristics of isomerism , multiplayer and distribution .

  10. 电信软件平台的硬件架构一般都是基于ATCA(AdvancedTelecomComputingArchitecture先进电信计算架构),彼此分散的程序借助软件平台联系在一起,完成数据、信令和业务的处理。

    The hardware architecture of the telecommunication software platform is based on the ATCA ( Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ) to complete the processing of data , signaling and service by dispersive programs which are united in the software platform .

  11. 在失水事故分析中首次提出了一种新的、先进的计算模型(真实堆芯裸露模型)和计算机程序(MCRLOCA)。

    A new advanced calculation model ( True Core Uncovered Model ) of LOCA of PRC - II Reactor and the relevant code ( MCRLOCA ) are first put forward .

  12. 正是先进的计算摄影技术使其成为可能。

    which is made possible by advanced computational photography .

  13. 这些产品被业界用于创造先进的计算和通信系统。

    These products are used by industry members to create advanced computing and communications systems .

  14. 现在问题出现了:如果这些先进的计算设备完全脱离现有的硬件级及软件系统,会出现什么情况呢?

    The question then arises : What happens these advanced computing services move away from the on-premise hardware and software model completely ?

  15. 利用先进的计算工具,编制了子午岭油松人工林密度管理图,经检验达到了精度要求。

    With advanced calculating tools , making Pinus tabulaeformis artificial forests density control diagram , which reaches the precision requirement through the test .

  16. 油藏描述技术是综合应用多学科知识床用先进的计算模块,对储层形态进行精细的描述,并准确确定储层的分布状态和储量规模。

    Reservoir characterization technique is to finely characterize reservoir shape and accurately determine reservoir distribution and reserves scale by integrating multidisciplinary knowledge and using advanced computer technologies .

  17. 本文首先就基坑开挖支护体系的基本理论进行了总结和回顾,并就水泥土连拱式组合支护结构的一般算法进行了讨论,并介绍对比了两种较先进的计算方法。

    Firstly , basic theories of excavation and strutted system are summarized and reviewed in the paper . Common analysis method for cement-soil multiple-arch combined strutted structure is discussed .

  18. 根据汽车零部件自动检测的实际要求,并结合当前先进的计算控制技术,设计了采用双闭环控制的离合器盖总成综合测试台;

    According to the requirement of vehicle auto testing , assisted by current advanced computer technology , a double closed-loop controlled clutch cover unit assembly testing system has been designed .

  19. 应用国内外先进的计算模式和实测数据的拟合分析,确定综合地层孔隙、破裂和坍塌压力剖面。

    According to the reliability analysis of original data and the fitting analysis of measured data , the software system can also determine the comprehensive formation pore , fracture and caving pressure gradients .

  20. 对于管理员来说,一个瘦客户机是没有本机存储设备,易于管理,利用陈旧计算机硬件为用户提供先进的计算体验的设备。

    To the administrator , a thin client has no storage of its own , is easy to maintain , and can give the user a modern computing experience even with ancient hardware .

  21. 随着科学技术的发展,结构力学的数值仿真向着精细化、准确化、高效化方向发展,这就要求发展先进的计算方法及高效的并行计算技术。

    With the development of science and technology , numerical simulation of structural mechanics becomes more and more complicated , exact and efficient , developing advanced numerical methods and efficient parallel techniques is required .

  22. 改进的水力过渡过程计算模型,应用于供水系统压力管路水力过渡过程计算机仿真,具有方法先进,计算精度高、收敛速度快的特点。

    Applied in the computer simulation of hydraulic transition process in the pressure water supply system , the improvement model of calculating hydraulic transition process has the characteristics of the methods is advanced , high precision and fast convergence .

  23. 结构分析领域有着重要应用的广义特征值问题的并行算法,因为难度很大,且当问题的规模较大时还必须有先进的计算环境支持,所以迄今研究得很少。

    The parallel algorithm of generalized eigenproblems applied significantly to the structural analysis domain has been studied little so far , because this study is extremely difficult , and needs the support of advanced computing circumstances for large scale problems .

  24. 本论文采用先进的计算分析方法对组合挂车转向系统进行分析,解决了组合挂车设计和制造过程中遇到的关键问题,同时也可以对今后相关课题的研究起到一定的促进作用。

    The advanced computation and analysis methods was used on the steering system of the assembled trailer , the work solved the key problem in the design and manufacture process . It also did good to promote the correlative task .

  25. 在现代鱼雷自导技术中,一般的信号处理先进算法计算量都相当大,要求用高速并行数字信号处理机系统才能实时完成。

    In modem torpedo homing technology , in general , advanced algorithm of signal processing must take longe time in computing , so it is clear that we need to use high-speed signal processor system to do it in real time .

  26. 嵌入式系统就是先进的计算初技术、半导体技术、电子技术以及各种具体应用相结合的产物,是技术密集、资金密集、高度分散、不断创新的新型集成知识系统。

    The embedded system is a product which the advanced computer technology , the Semiconductor Technology , the electronic technology as well as each kind of concrete application unify , is new integrated knowledge system which the technology crowded , the fund crowded , disperses highly , innovates unceasingly .

  27. 当Amazon率先进入云计算领域时,许多人感到吃惊。

    When Amazon first entered the cloud computing space , many people were surprised .

  28. 本论文在内部资金转移定价学术领域摒弃了传统的方法,对产品归类,并对不同的方法进行实证比较,采取先进技术OFSA计算结果,OFSA在文献实证分析中没有采用过。

    It classified the products , did positive comparison on different methods and adopted the advanced technology – OFSA to calculate the results , Which has not been used in positive analysis . 4 .

  29. 所用算法的先进性在于计算成本并不依赖于链长的大小。

    The computational cost does not depend on the chain size .

  30. 作业成本法是一种先进的成本计算和管理方法。

    Operational cost method is a kind of advanced cost calculation and management method .