
xiān jìn jí tǐ
  • advanced collective;advanced group
  1. 唱歌快要结束时,公司向先进员工、优秀员工和先进集体颁奖。

    Towards the end of singing , our company rewarded the advanced employees , outstanding staff and advanced collective award of SOMSO .

  2. 中心仪器室曾获得国家教育部实验室工作先进集体称号。

    The Instrument Center was once honored as an advanced laboratory by the State Education Ministry .

  3. 公司连续七年被自治区评为文明单位、西北电力系统思想政治工作先进集体;

    For the seventh consecutive year the company was rated as autonomous units of civilization , the Northwest Power System-the-art collective ideological and political work ;

  4. 我社曾多次受到北京市旅游局的好评,并于2003年荣获“首都旅游紫金杯”先进集体奖,是北京市旅游协会会员。

    We were well received by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Tourism for many times and awarded the honorable title of advanced unit in2003.We are the member of Beijing Travel Agencies Association .

  5. 向今天即将受到表彰的先进个人和先进集体表示热烈的祝贺!

    Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations !