
  • 网络sport;sport climbing;climbing;Leading Climbing
  1. 先锋攀登没有坠落也没有中途休息,之先也没先试过路线,没看过别人爬或任何攀登的资讯。

    On-Sight : Leading a climb with no falls and no dogging and without any prior attempts , watching someone do it or beta on how to do the moves .

  2. 先锋攀登:从最底处开始爬,然后一边放置(挂入)确保支点。吊篮悬挂在热气球上,通常为敞口的吊篮

    Leading : To ascend a climb from the bottom up , placing protection ( or clipping protection ) as you go . A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon

  3. 所有先锋比赛路线选手应以先锋攀登,下方确保为之。

    All lead competition routes shall be climbed on lead with the competitor belayed from below .