
  • 网络Borja
  1. 博维达餐馆位于博尔哈的购物中心,餐馆主人何塞·M·巴亚(JoséM.Baya)认为正是西门尼斯的艺术才华令自己生意兴隆。

    Jos é M. Baya , the owner of La B ó veda , in Borja 's market plaza , freely credits her artistry for helping his business flourish .

  2. 博尔哈的居民们起先并没怎么注意到这幅壁画,因为这座教堂的主要部分是一座镀金的18世纪巴洛克式圣坛。

    Borja residents did not much notice the painting because the church is dominated by a gilded 18th century baroque altar .

  3. 博尔哈位于西班牙东北部,拥有中世纪的大厦和蜿蜒小路,如今,它对这位艺术家塞西莉亚·西门尼斯(CeciliaGiménez)和她的作品给予了奇迹般的重新评估。

    But these days , people in this village of medieval palaces and winding lanes in northeast Spain are giving the artist , Cecilia Gim é nez , and her work a miraculous reassessment .

  4. 西门尼斯位于博尔哈家中的起居室内装点着她亲手绘制的风景画,她在家中接受采访,回忆自己曾经在教堂旁边的公寓里度过的那些夏日时光。

    Today , in her home in Borja in a living room lined with landscapes she has painted Mrs. Gim é nez recounted that she spent her summers in an apartment by the church .

  5. 西班牙博尔哈&一位83岁的寡妇和业余画家试图修复本地教堂一幅拥有将近百年历史的荆冠基督壁画,其后面临了种种讥笑和奚落。

    After an 83-year-old widow and amateur painter tried her hand at restoring a nearly century-old fresco of Jesus crowned with thorns in her local church here , she faced nothing but scorn and ridicule .

  6. 自从这次修复工作完成后,这幅壁画吸引了全世界超过15万名游客有的来自日本、巴西和美国他们登上这座可以俯瞰博尔哈的山峰,参观这所16世纪哥特式仁慈圣母圣所。

    Since the makeover , the image has attracted more than 150,000 tourists from around the world Japan , Brazil , the United States to the gothic 16th century Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy on a mountain overlooking Borja .

  7. 悲伤的情绪变成了对天赐恩典的感激&由于免费宣传的效应,只有5000人口的博尔哈小镇吸引了成千上万想看她作品的好奇游客,从而振兴了当地经济。

    Grief has turned to gratitude for divine intervention the blessing of free publicity that has made Borja , a town of just 5,000 , a magnet for thousands of curious tourists eager to see her handiwork , resurrecting the local economy .

  8. 自从这次修复工作完成后,这幅壁画吸引了全世界超过15万名游客——有的来自日本、巴西和美国——他们登上这座可以俯瞰博尔哈的山峰,参观这所16世纪哥特式仁慈圣母圣所。

    Since the makeover , the image has attracted more than 150000 tourists from around the world - Japan , Brazil , the United States - to the gothic 16th century Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy on a mountain overlooking Borja .

  9. 悲伤的情绪变成了对天赐恩典的感激——由于免费宣传的效应,只有5000人口的博尔哈小镇吸引了成千上万想看她作品的好奇游客,从而振兴了当地经济。

    Grief has turned to gratitude for divine intervention - the blessing of free publicity - that has made Borja , a town of just 5000 , a magnet for thousands of curious tourists eager to see her handiwork , resurrecting the local economy .