
  1. 博友Ariel在该条微博声明的评论栏中表示:我有点伤心。我原本还打算找个戴眼镜的利落帅哥为我送餐呢。

    " I am a little sad . I had planned to ask a smart guy with glasses to deliver food ," the blogger Ariel wrote in the comments column of this statement .

  2. 据《北京青年周刊》报道,IT领域著名博友Keso认为此活动的迅速传播是一起成功的病毒行销案例。

    Beijing-based Youth Weekend reported that famous IT blogger Keso regarded this program 's rapid spread as a successful virus marketing case .

  3. 祝愿所有的博友们在2007年里身体健康!

    Wish all plentiful friends is in lining good health in2007 !

  4. 今天是平安夜,祝博友们圣诞节快乐!

    May heavenly peace and happiness be with you always .

  5. 第一次有自己的博客,美伊希望能交到很多博友。

    I hope that I can make a lotta good friends here .

  6. 博友们,我要向你们推荐一部电影《国王的演讲》!

    Fellow speech bloggers , have I got a movie for you !

  7. 祝博友们猪年快乐!

    Wish You a Happy Chinese New Year !

  8. 在突发新闻爆料的竞争中,一大群“业余”的博友们再三超越那些历史悠久的报纸。

    An army of pyjama-clad bloggers has repeatedly outsmarted long-established newspapers on breaking stories .

  9. 很多博友都引用这个词来激励自己和他人。

    Many bloggers also like to quote the phrase to energize themselves or others .

  10. 我想进一步了解我的博友。

    I want to know my readers further .

  11. 恭祝各位博友新年愉快、工作顺利、合家欢乐!

    Hirotomo wish you a happy New Year and smooth work , and family happiness !

  12. 正如一位博友所说的:“真的吗?他们居然还抱怨?”

    As one incredulous blogger puts it : " Seriously ? They are complaining ? "

  13. 近来访问了很多新浪博客,同时也得到一些博友来访。

    I have visited many blogs of Sina lately , and my blog had some visitors .

  14. 感谢各位博友喜爱我的博客,喜爱我的文章,喜爱我的成果。

    Thank you all for your enjoying my blog , my articles and my research results .

  15. 兄弟姐妹们,所有的博友们,还有我远在他乡的亲人们。

    Brothers and sisters , all the faithful Bo , I also far in the pro-displaced people .

  16. 2005年,劳希曼号召全世界的科学家和博友们一起来讨论“世界跳跃日”的问题。

    In2005 , Lauschmann encouraged scientists and bloggers from around the world to discuss World Jump Day .

  17. 北京的博友,有谁知道北京哪里有卖楼道的灯泡?

    Beijing 's blog , who know Beijing where there is selling corridor to the light bulb ?

  18. 我从一个博友那儿学到这个方法,就决定试一试。

    I learned about the technique from a fellow blogger , and decided to give it a go .

  19. 所以把祝福提前送到,早就是祝福所关心我的博友们。

    Therefore , to advance the blessings , has long been a concern of my blessings Bo faithful .

  20. 一名被困的博友发微博希望有人能搭载他,而他得到的却不仅仅是搭载还有免费住宿。

    One stranded user had requested a ride and was offered not only that but also free accommodation .

  21. 祝福各位博友合家团聚,中秋快乐,幸福永远!

    Happy Mid & autumn Festival to you and your family ! Best wishes with you all the time !

  22. 而第三种新闻博客的建立者是由具有发布新闻意识的博友组成。

    The third founder of the blog news with a press release by Friends of the composition of consciousness blog .

  23. 七夕节前夕,尘缘禅心祝天下有情人乞巧节巧结良缘!祝博友们中国情人节快乐!

    Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival , the Valentine 's Day Of China , my dear friends !

  24. 另一方面,博友“宝宝”则认为,她是一个孩农。

    Blogger Baobao , on the other hand , thinks she is a " child farmer " rather than a child slave .

  25. 因为别人可能都不知道,明天是我和一个博友认识整整一个月的时间。

    Because others possibly all did not know , tomorrow will be I and an abundant friend knows entire month-long the time .

  26. 不知道能否进半决赛呢到时精彩来了,先谢谢博友们鼓励我。

    Do not know whether it into the semi-finals at best come , first I would like to thank Bo faithful encouraged me .

  27. 谢谢各位网友,博友,朋友,画友的支持鼓励,我的博今天一岁。

    Thank each netizen , blog friends , friends , painting friends of the supporting and encouraging , my blogs is today one year old .

  28. 亲爱的博友,在你们采用老张的理念提高英语水平的同时,我非常想和大家进一步沟通。

    I want very much to interact with you , my readers , while you are applying my concepts to improve the quality of your English .

  29. 在这个平台上,我会更加努力地把更多更好的内容承现给我的博友,以谢你们对我的厚爱之意。

    At this stage , I will try my best to show more and more good contents for you in order to thank for your kindness .

  30. 这几天欣赏了博友随和好人的珍贵老相片后,自己也想把长辈的旧时记忆以绘图留下来。

    A blogger friend here was sharing her treasured old photographs of her parents recently and I was inspired to do the same , in drawings .