
  • 网络mars;Mars Inc
  1. 玛氏公司(MarsInc.)含30大卡热量的CocoVia每日营养补充产品含有350毫克的可可黄烷醇。

    Mars Inc. packs 350 milligrams of cocoa flavanols into its 30-calorie a day CocoVia daily supplements .

  2. 玛氏公司(Mars)的彩色糖衣巧克力美名在外。公司员工对它的独特文化体会更深。

    Known by the masses for its color-coated chocolates , Mars employees know it more for its special culture .

  3. 不过有专家称,尽管这项新研究只有37个参与者,部分资金还是由巧克力生产商玛氏公司(MarsInc.)提供的,但它更为深入,而且是一次由经验丰富的研究人员领导的、受到良好控制的随机试验。

    But experts said the new study , although involving only 37 participants and partly funded by Mars Inc. , the chocolate company , goes further and was a well-controlled , randomized trial led by experienced researchers .

  4. 玛氏公司旗下业务部门MarsBotanical的研发总监凯瑟琳·奎克·乌里韦(CatherineKwik-Uribe)表示,为了保证CocoVia中黄烷醇的含量,玛氏公司温和加工可可豆,并额外添加通过专利技术萃取的可可黄烷醇。

    To keep the flavanol content high , Mars ' gently ' processes its cocoa ' and adds an extract of cocoa flavanols made with a proprietary process , says Catherine Kwik-Uribe , director of research and development at the Mars Botanical unit .

  5. 玛氏公司还销售一种含15大卡热量的可可萃取物产品Cirku,水果香型,可冲泡饮用。

    Mars also sells Cirku , a 15-calorie packet containing cocoa extract with a fruit flavor that you mix with water .

  6. 在一项研究中,玛氏公司发现温和加工后的一种可可混合物对心脏健康有益,这种可可混合物类似CocoaVia,但没有额外添加萃取物。

    Mars found heart-health benefits with a research blend of gently processed cocoa that is similar to CocoaVia but without the extract added .

  7. 我希望能和大家分享一个小故事,这就发生在我身上。它很好地证明了我们玛氏公司如何在运用五大原则。

    I would like to share a small story , that I personally gone through , that demonstrate how we Mars really practices the Five Principles .

  8. 消息来自世界最大的糖果点心生产商,该公司与玛氏公司一起发出警告,指出巧克力生产的巨大缺口将于2020年达到每年100万吨。

    That 's according to the world 's largest confectionary producer , which has joined Mars in warning of a massive shortfall which could reach a million tonnes a year by 2020 .

  9. 而士力架,彩虹糖,多彩软糖,五彩糖的制造商玛氏公司表示从现在起,这家公司只会在不破坏环境的前提下使用棕榈油。

    Mars Incorporated , the maker of Snickers , Skittles , Lifesavers , Five Gum , says from here on out , it 's only going to use palm oil that 's obtained without hurting the environment .

  10. 一位德国顾客上月在士力架巧克力棒中发现了一片红色塑料之后,美国巧克力巨头玛氏公司上周二下令在全球范围内大规模召回其荷兰工厂出产的巧克力产品。

    US chocolate giant Mars Tuesday ordered a massive international recall of Mars and Snickers bars made at its Dutch factory after a customer in Germany found a piece of red plastic in his Snickers bar last month .

  11. 这是食品集团玛氏在公司97年历史上规模最大的一笔并购交易。

    It is the biggest acquisition by Mars in the food group 's 97-year history .

  12. 这个计划一方面为员工提供了发挥自身职业或技术专业知识的机会,同时也可以在重大社会和环境问题上发挥积极作用,而这恰好可以将玛氏的公司理念付诸实施。

    The program grants associates the opportunity to leverage their professional or technical expertise while making a positive difference in major societal and environmental issues , and in doing so , putting Mars ' company Principles into action .