
  • 网络MAGGIE;Margie
  1. 玛姬当然不相信天使的存在,直到她遇到了一个人,一场改变了他们两人生命的相遇。

    Maggie certainly didn ’ t believe in angels until she encountered one of them personally , a meeting that changed both of their lives .

  2. 剧中格兰瑟姆老伯爵遗孀的名字维奥莱特(Violet)重磅回归,被列入2013年100个最受欢迎女孩名的榜单中。该角色由玛姬•史密斯女爵扮演。

    Violet , the first name of the matriarchal Dowager Countess of Grantham played by Dame Maggie Smith , has seen a particularly large comeback after it made the top 100 girls ' names for 2013 .

  3. ITV特派员亚瑟·麦克米伦:在汉曾郡隆镇这个地方,雷妮这只拉布拉多犬总是待在玛姬身边。

    ARTHUR MACMILLAN , ITV CORRESPONDENT : In Romsey , Hampshire the Labrador is constantly at Margie 's side .

  4. 接着玛姬又侮辱了她的家庭。

    Soon it will be marge 's insults of her family .

  5. 玛姬、茱莉和翠莎一定会爱死的。

    Madge , I bet Julie and Tricia just love this .

  6. 玛姬我没疯我好得很

    Maggie ! I 'm not manic . I 'm fine .

  7. 蜘蛛人踢我、席拉抢玛姬点心。

    Spiderman kicked me and She-Ra took maggie 's snack .

  8. 咱们给玛姬挂个电话吧。弗农姨父建议说。

    " We could phone Marge ," Uncle Vernon suggested .

  9. 玛姬:那你打算做什么?

    Marge : So what are you going to do ?

  10. 玛姬只凭一股勇气踏进那扇门。

    Maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts .

  11. 玛姬:真的?你几乎没带什么口音。

    Maggie : Really ? You hardly have an accent .

  12. 弗农·德思礼:噢,玛姬病了,吃了个怪油螺。

    Vernon Dersley : Marge is ill . Ate a funny whelk .

  13. 我要你见见我朋友,玛姬

    Albert , I want you to meet my friend , Maggie .

  14. 因为下雨,玛姬今天搭公共汽车去上学。

    Maggie took the bus to school today because it was raining .

  15. 父母还在冰箱中发现玛姬的心脏。

    The parents found margaret 's heart in the freezer .

  16. 我觉得玛姬所做的非常令人钦佩

    I think it 's admirable what Maggie 's doing .

  17. 玛姬我一个人无法继续下去

    Maggie , I can 't keep doing this on my own !

  18. 我也这么想,玛姬呢?

    I suppose . Hey , where 's Maggie ?

  19. 玛姬吃了个坏油螺生病了。

    Marge is ill . Ate a funny whelk .

  20. 玛姬:你算哪根葱?我老爸?

    Maggie O'Donnell : who are you my father ?

  21. 玛姬现在这时候美国还有哪个父亲醒着

    Maggie , name one other father in America who 's up right now

  22. 你也是玛姬这谁能知道呢

    So do you , Maggie . Well , what do you know ?

  23. 好了,我还有事,玛姬在等我。

    Well , I have errands to run , and maggie 's waiting .

  24. 玛姬和希拉在海边享受日光浴。

    Maggie and Shelia are sunbathing at the beach .

  25. 唔,也许玛姬能直接从她耳朵里变出来。

    Well , maybe Maggie can just pull it out of her ear .

  26. 玛姬,很高兴能认识�

    Hi , Maggie . It 's an absolute pleasure to meet you .

  27. 我朋友玛姬是个天才设计师

    My friend Maggie is a talented designer .

  28. 因为乔治和玛姬认为这样能帮他。

    Because George and Maggie think it helps .

  29. 最后是走出《断背山》又做《波斯王子》的杰克·吉伦希尔,为了给获得最佳女演员的姐姐玛姬捧场助威而出现在红毯上,经典定制巴宝莉西服在他身上真是锦上添花!

    And Jake Gyllenhaal supported his Best-Actress-nominated sister Maggie in a custom-tailored Burberry tuxedo .

  30. 不不不玛姬斯图亚特

    No. No , no , Maggie Stuart .