
  • 网络line;even i
  1. 与此同时,通讯应用连我(Line)中可爱卡通形象在泛亚地区走红,充分证实日本人头脑之聪明。

    Meanwhile , the genius Japan has demonstrated for creating likeable characters has spawned another Pan-Asian hit in the form of a chat service called Line .

  2. 在连我应用中,它们已发展成完整的卡通角色,例如神秘的月亮(译者注:神秘的月亮意味着你永远不知道接下来会发生什么。)

    On the Line app they have grown into fully delineated characters such as the enigmatic Moon .

  3. 一想到要花这么多钱,连我都有点犹豫。

    Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money .

  4. 我们都去了,连我在内。

    We all went , me included .

  5. 她嫌麻烦,甚至连我的姓名如何拼写都不想搞清楚。

    She didn 't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name .

  6. 这事连我妈都不知道,别说我了!

    Even my mother is in the dark about it , to say nothing of me !

  7. 连我在内,小组有七个人。

    There are seven people in the group , including me .

  8. 瞧你这耳音,连我的声音也听不出来了。

    What 's the matter with your hearing ? you can 't even recognise my voice .

  9. 卡普萨里斯说:“自从二十世纪七十年代以来,档案管理流程已经发生了巨大的变化,我们现在将高价值的文件放在甚至连我都接触不到的保险柜里。”

    Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s , says Kapsalis , " and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don 't even have access to . "

  10. 我家里的每个人都喜欢她,连我弟弟也喜欢她。

    Everyone in my family likes her , even my younger brother .

  11. 就连我也充满了恐惧。

    Even I was full of fears .

  12. 当蠢笨且表情夸张的日本动漫人物遇上免费短信和语音通话技术,两者的结晶就是日本唯一一款在海外大热的应用&连我(Line)。

    What do you get if you cross emoting , goofy manga characters with free messaging and calls ?

  13. 而到我2011年申请工作时,连我妈妈都已经成为了Facebook的忠实用户,而我的“新鲜事”里充斥着她同事的开心农场的最新消息。

    By the time I applied for jobs in 2011 , my mom was an avid Facebooker , and her co-workers ' Farmville updates crowded my newsfeed .

  14. 可我,不会把自己PS的连我妈都认不出来,更不会成天就那么几句话,爱呀情呀,颓废堕落。

    I won 't put his PS of even my mom can 't recognize , more not all so few words , love ah sentiment ah , decadence .

  15. 加油站消失了;所有不是7-Eleven的商店消失了;现在连我也从吸烟者的队伍中消失了。

    Now I 'm gone , too , along with the gas stations and all the stores that aren 't 7-Eleven .

  16. 连我流行的主要基础是拥有日本稳如泰山的优势领域,即设计与使用表情符号(emoji)。

    Much of the app 's popularity rides on one area where Japan has an unassailable lead - the design and playful use of emoji ( Japanese emoticons ) .

  17. 自从使用了UNT的产品后,连我的老公也注意到我的皮肤改善了许多,且非常惊讶的发现当黑眼圈和眼袋的问题改善后,肌肤可以变得非常的年轻。

    Even my husband noticed my skin looked better and it 's surprising how much younger you can look without dark circles and bags under your eyes .

  18. NHN日本每月还能进账数百万日元的广告费,目前有30多家公司在连我上发布优惠券等类型的广告信息。

    While other revenue comes from about 30 companies who pay several million yen a month for advertising on the service , such as distributing coupons .

  19. 有时候甚至连我也无法确信我所看到了什么。

    Sometimes I am not even sure ofwJiat I have seen .

  20. 连我生病的妈妈也从病床上赶来看了。

    My sick mother got out of bed to see it .

  21. 不可能连我自己的妻子都帮不了。

    It seems impossible I can 't help my own wife .

  22. 人人都知道这个故事,连我儿子也知道。

    Everyone knows the story , even my son knows it .

  23. 连我本来计划的大学课程都没签。

    Instead of signing up for college classes as I planned .

  24. 一想到这里,连我的腰背也痛了。

    the small of my back ached to think of it .

  25. 最糟糕的是,我连我爸现在在哪里都不知道。

    I have no idea where my dad is right now .

  26. 除此之外,程序内购买也是连我的稳定收入来源。

    There is also steady earnings from an in-app game service .

  27. 如果用得太多,那么会连我自己也被炸飞。

    If I used too much , I would blow myself up .

  28. 就连我笑得太猛以至于抽搐的时候。

    Even when I laughed so hard I ripped one .

  29. 那么说,连我也不饶吗?

    That means , you won 't even forgive me ?

  30. 连我都不知道这些事情。

    I didn 't even know these things about us .