
  • 网络Chain
  1. 消费者组织起诉大型营利教育连锁机构。

    A consumer group is filing a suit against the large for-profit college chain .

  2. 监管机构并没有公布该客户的姓名,但知情人士称,这位客户就是美容连锁机构现代美容(modernbeautysalon)的创始人曾裕(joycetsang)。

    The market regulator did not name the client but people close to the situation identified her as Joyce Tsang , founder of modern beauty salon , a beauty parlour chain .

  3. 分别从供应商、VMI物流中心及连锁机构三个角度,详细分析了供应链管理环境下的VMI管理系统的功能需求以及系统的核心业务流程需求并进行系统的详细设计。

    Respectively from three angles of the supply , VMI and multiple shop , make a detailed analysis of the function request and discuss core business process of the system being distributor as core .

  4. 经营慈善连锁机构的金融家GeorgeSoros表示,他们的工作经历表明,穷国没有几个人明白气候变化及应对方法问题。

    George Soros , a financier who runs a chain of philanthropic organisations , says that in their experience , few people in poor countries have a clear idea about climate change and how to cope with it .

  5. 一些知名的健身连锁机构正在往三四线城市开拓市场。

    Well-known gym chains are expanding into the third - and fourth-tier cities .

  6. 医药连锁机构维系业务正常运行以及建立核心竞争力的基础之一就是拥有高效、稳定的信息系统。

    Chinese medicine chain operations to maintain normal operation of the institutions and the establishment of core competence is the basis for efficient and stable information system .

  7. 他打电话给另外一家连锁机构高级职员,那人曾经写过一本有关连锁性百货公司的书。美然居家品连锁为澳门首家综合性家品连锁店。

    He called in another executive who had written a book on chain stores . Home Beauty is the first combination chain of retail store of family appliance .

  8. 首都现代办公笔记本电脑精修服务中心是集笔记本维修、笔记本外包服务、笔记本配件销售为一体的专业化IT服务连锁机构。

    Capital modern works notebook canny repair service center is a section notebook maintenance , Wraps service outside notebook , Notebook accessory sales is all-in-one specialize IT serve catenate agency .

  9. 一些经销商一直到最后一分钟还在提供折价,但是其他一些经销商,包括全国最大的经销商连锁机构,在上周开始就已停止提供折价,以免最后出现意想不到的麻烦。

    Some are rebates up until the very last minute , while others , including the country 's largest dealership chain , stopped offering their rebates last week to avoid any last minute 's snags .

  10. 进军医疗保险领域的公司既有制药商康美药业,也有体检连锁机构美年大健康,甚至还有地产开发商苏宁环球集团和开发网络游戏的大连宙斯娱乐集团。

    Companies venturing into health insurance range from drug manufacturer Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co and physical check-up chain Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co to even property developer Suning Universal Co and Dalian Zeus Entertainment Group Co , which develops online games .

  11. 接着,根据系统需求,给出了构建一个采用MVC模式的、以轻量级J2EE框架技术和MySQL数据库为基础的,具备相关功能的连锁商业机构敏捷供应链系统的一般过程。

    Next , according to the system requirements , built a chain business agile supply system with business-related functions and using an MVC pattern , basing on lightweight J2EE framework technology and MySQL database .

  12. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  13. 2008年,纽约市对赛百味等连锁饮食机构发出强制令,命其贴出所售食品含有的热量数。

    In2008 , New York City began forcing chains like Subway to post calorie counts , a requirement that restaurants resisted .

  14. 由于这些连锁型口腔医疗机构具有分支门诊多、分布地域广等特点,对基于互联网的信息化管理有着非常迫切的需求。

    The requirement for the information management based on internet is extremely urgent for the dental clinic chain which has many branches distributed in different areas .

  15. 本文对国内美容连锁企业的培训现状及特点做了总体性研究,随后着重研究了FZ美容连锁机构的人力资源培训现状。

    This article carries out study on the actualities and features of domestic beauty chain enterprises , then researches mainly on HR train of FZ beauty chain institution .