
  • 网络empty cup;empty glass
  1. 他拿出了一个空杯子,为他的儿子:“它是空的吗?”

    He took out an empty cup , and asked his son " Is it empty ?"

  2. 床边的小桌上有杯热咖啡和一个空杯子。

    On the little table next to the bed was a hot cup of coffee and an empty cup .

  3. 地板上到处都是乱七八糟的报纸、衣服和空杯子。

    The floor was covered with a litter of newspapers , clothes and empty cups .

  4. 邦妮用手指旋转着她的空杯子。

    Bonnie twirled her empty glass in her fingers

  5. 一位年轻女子把他们的空杯子收走了。

    A young woman cleared away their empty cups .

  6. 她拿上那两个空杯子,走开了。

    She removed the empty glasses and walked away .

  7. 温斯顿坐在他惯常坐的角落里,对着一只空杯子发呆。

    Winston sat in his usual corner , gazing into an empty glass .

  8. 人生是一个空杯子,你会喝下你装进去的。

    Life is an empty vessel , you get to drink what you pour in .

  9. 他发现那对夫妇只点了单人餐,还要了一个空杯子。

    He noticed that they had ordered one meal , and an extra drink cup .

  10. 他拿起那只空杯子,把它洗干净放在一边。

    He picked up the empty juice glass , washed it and put it away .

  11. 这是一个空杯子。

    This is a empty glass .

  12. 空杯子;空房间;满是空位子;空闲的时间。

    An empty glass ; an empty room ; full of empty seats ; empty hours .

  13. 他用纤长雪白的手向我面前的空杯子做了个手势。

    He gestured with a long white hand to the empty cups in front of me .

  14. 那条线代表三个空杯子。

    That Iine represents three cups .

  15. 你可以举起空杯子或钱,可不要摇晃。

    You could also hold an empty glass or some money , but do not wave them about .

  16. 拿一只空杯子,或者握一只空心拳头贴在耳朵上,你就能造出这种海的声音。

    You can produce the same ocean sound using an empty cup or even by cupping your hand over your ear .

  17. 之后丈夫把饮料一半倒到空杯子里,同样放到妻子面前。

    Then he poured half of the soft drink into the extra cup and set that in front of his wife .

  18. 那晚活动结束后,梅儿和莎拉坐在一堆脏盘子和空杯子中间。

    At the end of the night , Mel and Sarah sat down admist the pile of dirty plates and empty glasses .

  19. 拿一只空杯子,或者握一只空心拳头贴在耳朵上,你就能造出这种“海的声音”。

    You can produce the same " ocean " sound using an empty cup or even by cupping your hand over your ear .

  20. 把一个空杯子或只是将手合成杯状贴近耳朵,就可以听到类似但比较小的声音效果。

    A similar , but quieter effect can be heard by using an empty cup or even just by cupping a hand over an ear .

  21. 正当他视线从窗外回过来时,弗朗西丝卡拿起白兰地瓶颈,向那空杯子做了个手势。

    Just as he swung around from looking out the window , Francesca picked up the brandy bottle by the neck and gestured with it toward the empty glass .

  22. 一个年轻人在麦当劳里看见一对年迈的夫妇在吃午餐。他发现那对夫妇只点了单人餐,还要了一个空杯子。

    A young man saw an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at McDonald 's. He noticed that they had ordered one meal , and an extra drink cup .

  23. 他说,克隆过程就像“将一杯橙汁倒到另一个空杯子里”,也就是说克隆体将与原体毫无区别。

    The process , he said , is just like " pouring a glass of orange juice into another empty glass , " meaning the cloned entity will be identical to the original .

  24. 快去试试看,也可以试试稍稍调整空杯子离你耳朵的距离,声音的大小会随着杯子距离和角度的改变而改变。

    Go ahead and try it and vary the distance at which you place the cup near your ear . The level of the sound will vary depending on the angle and distance the cup is from your ear .

  25. 普拉特医生是个矮胖没有多少头发的男人,他是家庭医生并且他非常清楚克拉克森一家人。他立即上楼查看莫利的尸体。他仔细看了床边桌子上的一杯咖啡和空杯子。

    Dr Pratt was a little fat man without much hair.He was the family doctor and he knew all the Clarkson family very well.He went upstairs at once and looked at Molly 's body.He looked carefully at the cup of coffee and the empty cup on the table next to her bed .

  26. 还有一只从来不空的杯子。

    And a glass that 's never empty .

  27. 我们要变成一只空的杯子,而非盛满了水的杯子,没有空间去容下任何东西。

    We become like an empty glass ready to be filled , rather than full and unable to take in anything more .

  28. 而且在聊天的过程中,他们还会不断地为你喝空了的杯子添热水。

    And you will find when you stay in talk , your friend will continuously add hot water to your emptying cup of tea .

  29. “你就像这个杯子”禅师回答,“如果你不倒空你的杯子我如何才能告诉你禅是什么呢?”由他们引导的教友,若能渐渐了解空性,就再引导他们入禅修。

    Under their leadership , their congregation would gradually understand the " emptiness , " and then be led to meditate on the Zen .

  30. 本来应该是他守在你身边,应该由他站在我这个位置,应该由他来倒空那只杯子,应该由他来对付那个凶手。

    It is he who should have watched over you he should have occupied my place he should have emptied that glass he should have risen against the assassin .