
  • 网络Spatial Sense;space sensation;voidsense;Pocit priestoru
  1. (空间感觉)好像没有限度。

    ( spatial sense ) seeming to have no bounds .

  2. 主要是空间感觉;有很小的长度或缺少长度的。

    Primarily spatial sense ; having little length or lacking in length .

  3. 使人为更小他们自己的空间感觉。

    It makes people feel that their own space even smaller .

  4. 一个内置长凳提供额外的座位,使空间感觉舒适。

    A built-in bench provides extra seating and makes the space feel cozy .

  5. 主要是空间感觉;相对大的,或相对于平均空间范围或指定范围较大的。

    Primarily spatial sense ; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified .

  6. 现在,健身房想让你在最敏感的空间感觉更自在:男更衣室。

    And now your gym wants you to feel a little more at ease in that most sensitive space : the men 's locker room .

  7. 而宋代院体山水画所具有的广阔,空灵,透亮清新的空间感觉给了我们很好的启发。

    However , the inspiration is acquired by the broad space , Vacancy , translucent fresh space that is available in the Song academy landscapes .

  8. 窗口使空间感觉大提供了笔直的视角看到后院,提供了足够的阳光的照射。

    The window makes the space feel larger by providing a view straight into the backyard and allowing plenty of morning light to filter through .

  9. 希思说,每一间办公室前面的玻璃从前面的拐角处延伸出去,打造出一种飘窗的效果,这样使得室内空间感觉更宽敞。

    The glass front wall of each office extends around the front corners , creating a bay-window effect that makes the space feel larger , Ms. Heath says .

  10. 本文将感觉类型限定为主要通过外部感觉器官感知的视觉、味觉、嗅觉、听觉、触觉及空间感觉。

    In this research , the range of senses is limited to sight , taste , smell , hearing , touch and space which are felt by outside sensory organs .

  11. 纯净空间的感觉,在这一刻开始步入你的灵魂。

    Pure space feeling , in this moment enters into your soul .

  12. 这时,苔丝心中已没有了时间和空间的感觉。

    She was conscious of neither time nor space .

  13. 玻璃砖可应用于外墙或室内间隔,提供良好的采光效果,并有延续空间的感觉。

    Vitreous brick applicable at outside wall or indoor interval , provide favorable daylighting result , have the feeling of continuance space .

  14. 艺术家利用肌理语言表现物象的体积空间的感觉,表现客观事物真实的质感。

    Artists use texture language to perform the physical image of the volume of space and the real feeling of the objective things .

  15. 该系统能够真实的模拟出空间深度感觉,更加适合于飞行员进行飞行起、落科目的训练。

    This system has achieved continuous change of visual distance , strong space feeling of depth , and is more suitable for flying and landing training of pilots .

  16. 事实上,虽然许多经典的中国园林是划定有限的范围,但都有清晰的意图去创造无限空间的感觉。

    As a matter of fact , most classical Chinese gardens are enclosed within a limited area but with the clear intention of creating a sense of infinite space .

  17. 巧妙的照明会让人有屋子空间增大的感觉。

    Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room .

  18. 随着她不断侵入我的个人空间,我感觉全身都不由自主地紧绷起来。

    I felt my body involuntarily stiffen against her invasion of my personal space .

  19. 他们说时间是空间位移的感觉。

    They said that time is the feeling of spatial displacement .

  20. 时间是空间位移的感觉。

    They said that it is the feeling of spatial displacement .

  21. 在人的听觉感受中,除了声强、音调和音色外,还包括对声音空间特性的感觉,这就是人耳的空间听觉能力。

    Human auditory perceive not only includes the level , tone and timbre of sound , but also the sound location , which is called the spatial hearing ability .

  22. 我经常游走在空气中,远离世俗的尘埃。这种游走也为创造出了一段空间:我感觉我永远处在两个事物的中间&永远没有落脚点。

    Usually I float in the air and I 'm free from reality The floating reflects an interval : I feel I 'm always between two things – never ready .

  23. 人们尚不清楚为什么会出现这样的性别差异,对于幽闭恐惧症(患者在面对局限或封闭空间时会感觉极度恐慌)的研究也不像其它恐惧症那样充分。

    The reasons for such a gender difference are not clear , and claustrophobia , the feeling of extreme panic when faced with being in a confined or enclosed space , is not as well studied as some other phobias .

  24. 尽管三个机舱有着超大的空间、宁静的感觉,假如你夜里仍然无法入睡,机上的娱乐系统还有100部电影、180套电视节目和700张CD的音乐库。

    And despite all that extra space in all three cabins and the sense of quiet , if you really still cannot get to sleep at night , there are 100 films , 180 TV programmes and a library of 700 music CDs on the inflight entertainment system .

  25. 房间里的镜子老是给人空间变大的感觉。

    Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of space .

  26. 我们对家园行星周边的空间有了直观感觉。

    and we 're getting a sense of the space around our home star .

  27. 住在层层相叠的房子里再也没有那种私人空间和拥有的感觉了。

    The feeling of private space and ownership no longer exists in houses literally piled one on the other .

  28. 第一次见到这个地方时,勒克莱尔被它的空间吸引,但感觉条件太差,不适合正儿八经的经营――等看到修复之后的样子感觉就不一样了。

    When he first saw the site , Lecleir was charmed by the space , but felt its condition was too poor for a serious business -- until he saw the renovation .

  29. 因为感觉中诸内容是呈现在作为纯粹形式的空间和时间相续中,因而,感觉中的纯粹形式规定,即时间空间成为对感觉分析的核心内容。

    Because the givings in the sensation are present in sensuous intuition , Space and Time as the pure form of the sensation become the core of the sensation analysis .

  30. 西方许多国家对空间的意识是基于对物体在空间的感觉,而不是对空间本身的感觉。

    Spatial consciousness in many Western cultures is based on a perception of objects in space , rather than of space itself .