
  • 网络Spatial econometrics
  1. 同时,本文采用空间计量经济学中,考虑空间效应的空间滞后模型(SLM)对各省域制度指标进行估计,将距离因素考虑进来并赋予空间权重,使得衡量制度溢出效应更加精准。

    This paper used SLM of spatial econometrics to estimate the institutional indicators of different provinces , and gave distance factors space weights , which made the measurement system more accurate . Using this method , we can measure the regional spillover effects of FDI into surrounding area .

  2. 分析完特征之后,接下来就是对俱乐部收敛的检验,运用空间计量经济学,选取了五个变量因素进行分析,然后从各个变量详细分析俱乐部收敛的影响因素。

    After analysis of the characteristic , using the model of Spatial Econometrics , selection five variables , and then analyzes the factors from each variable to analyze the mechanism of the club convergence .

  3. 同时,文章将计量经济学和空间计量经济学,以及GIS的一些方法运用到了研究中。

    Meanwhile , the article applies econometrics and spatial econometrics and GIS methods to the study .

  4. 基于空间计量经济学模型的城市公共服务价值估计

    Value estimates of local public services using a spatial econometric model

  5. 介绍空间计量经济学的发展历程,并对空间计量经济学模型进行阐述。

    Introduce the development of spatial econometrics course , and describe spatial econometric model .

  6. 基于这些基础研究,得出空间计量经济学在分析区域经济问题上有其重要的优势。

    Based on these basic research , obtained the regional spatial econometric analysis of economic issues has important advantages .

  7. 基于空间计量经济学的1986~2005年我国区域城乡互动发展差异成因分析

    The Analysis on the Formation Causes of Regional Diversity of Urban-rural Interaction Development in China Based on Spatial Econometrics in 1986-2005

  8. 并且用运用描述统计学,多变量分析和空间计量经济学方法验证了这种关系。

    Furthermore , this relationship has been validated by applying with the methods of descriptive statistics , multi-variable analysis and Spatial Econometrics .

  9. 利用空间计量经济学的方法,提出了一个基于技术扩散的区域经济收敛理论框架,并建立了一个扩展的收敛方程。

    Using the " spatial econometric perspective " approach , this paper proposes a theoreticl framework and derives an " extended " convergence equation .

  10. 第二章,简要介绍了本文的研究区域、数据来源、数据处理和部分研究方法,较详细介绍了空间计量经济学和空间回归模型。

    Chapter two briefly introduces the research regions , data source and partial methods . It also particularizes spatial econometrics and spatial regression model .

  11. 文章首先使用空间计量经济学方法、面板数据分析了政府行为对我国城乡卫生医疗服务均等化的影响。

    Firstly , it analyzes the effects of the equalization in health and medical services in urban and rural areas which are caused by governmental actions , using space econometric methods and panel data .

  12. 运用空间计量经济学的空间变系数回归模型&地理加权回归模型,在全国31个省级区域创新系统的大背景下,着重对首都区域创新及其影响因素进行了空间计量经济分析。

    Using a spatial varying-coefficient regression model of spatial econometric method which called geographically weighted regression , under the global background of the whole regional innovation of China , a spatial econometric analysis is performed .

  13. 实际上,从空间计量经济学的角度来讲,即便不存在这种实质性的相互影响关系,只要有空间自相关或空间异方差的存在,就必须考虑空间效应,否则结果是有偏的。

    In fact , from an econometric perspective , even in the absence of substantive influence across regions , as long as spatial autocorrelation or spatial heteroscedasticity exists , it should have to be taken into consideration or else the results would be biased .

  14. 且随着知识溢出研究的深入和空间计量经济学的发展,空间因素逐渐被加入研究框架,近年的研究也指出企业技术创新能力还会受到相邻企业R&D渠道所产生的知识溢出效应的影响。

    And with the further study of knowledge spillover and the development of spatial econometrics , the spatial factor has been gradually adding to research framework . Recent studies also point out that knowledge spillover from adjacent enterprises have impact on other enterprises ' technical innovation ability .

  15. 研究方法:采用昆明市2001&2005年的实际交易地价数据,运用GIS空间分析和计量经济学模型。研究结果:随距市中心距离增加,地价呈逐步衰减的趋势,但有明显的空间变异性和方位差异。

    Methods of GIS , statistical and econometric were employed with the actual transaction data of land price in Kunming from 2001-2005 . The results indicate that land price decreases from city center to outskirt along with obvious spatial variability .

  16. 进而,综合运用探索性空间数据分析方法和空间计量经济学技术,分别从时间和空间维度进行研究。

    And then , the empirical research will be carried out using exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial econometric techniques .

  17. 空间计量经济理论是当前阶段计量经济学的研究热点领域之一,本章详细地介绍空间计量经济学的基本理论,并将之与时间序列计量经济模型进行比对,从而更加深刻地理解空间计量理论。

    The spatial econometrics is one of the frontiers of the econometric research , this chapter gives a detailed description of the theory and compares with that of the time series econometric model , which can help to comprehend the spatial econometric model deeply .

  18. 随着空间经济计量学的兴起,空间经济计量学在经济学领域得到了广泛的应用。

    With room for the emergence of the spatial econometrics , which has been widely used in many fields of economics .

  19. 其次,考察了空间分析的兴起和发展,广义的空间分析的研究范围非常宽泛,本次研究的内容偏重于空间统计学和空间计量经济学方面。

    Then the rise and development of spatial analysis are discussed . Because the research region of generalized spatial analysis is too wide , this article specializes in spatial statistics and spatial econometrics .