
  • 网络empty account
  1. 对空帐形成的原因进行了分析,指出其引发的一系列问题,提出了解决空帐问题的对策建议。

    The paper analyzes the reasons and impacts of the empty account and finally puts forward suggestions that could solve the problem of the empty account .

  2. 而正在推行的社会养老保险制度存在农村养老保险滞后、替代率差异不明显、空帐运行等问题;

    The social pension insurance system being pursued has problems such as delay in rural pension insurance , indistinct disparities in substitution ratio , operation of empty account and so on .

  3. 但实践证明,推迟转轨将导致转轨成本越来越大,及时做实个人账户,填补个人账户空帐,真正实现制度转轨是大势所趋。

    But it has been proved in practice that the cost of suspending transformation will lead to more and more .

  4. 我国现行的养老保险制度存在着一系列的问题,如覆盖范围窄、个人帐户空帐运行、基金的保值增值能力不强等问题。

    There exist a series of problems in the current endowment insurance system in China such as the narrow coverage and low multiply ability etc.

  5. 人口老龄化压力使原本受以及个人账户空帐运转等等重压之下的养老保险制度更是雪上加霜。

    The pressure of growing aging population has put the retirement insurance system , which itself was pressed by the operation of the empty personal account , into another disaster .