
  • 网络Eco-label;Eco Label;ecolabel;Eco-lable
  1. 你可以找到数百种不同的产品有生态标签&注意找一下。

    You can find the Eco-label on hundreds of different products-have a look for it .

  2. 欧洲生态标签独特的花卉图案,使消费者在欧洲联盟、挪威、列支敦士登和冰岛可以识别绿色产品。

    The European Eco-label , with its distinctive flower logo , enables shoppers to identify green products across the European Union , Norway , Liechtenstein and Iceland .

  3. 在生态标签这场角逐中,既有好玩家,也有坏玩家。

    There are both good and bad players in the eco-labeling game .

  4. 但尽管广告的数量有所下降,生态标签却在迅速传播。

    But while the number of advertisements may have dipped , there has been a rapid spread of eco-labeling .

  5. 该法案说,为了促进环境友好的技术、实践规则和生态标签,政府将为环保和符合环保标准提供财政激励。

    The act states that to promote environment-friendly technologies , codes of practice and eco-labelling , the government will provide financial incentives for environment protection and compliance .

  6. 本文用不同模型确认了参考文献所揭示的重要政策含义:在国际贸易中,即使是自愿的生态标签规则也可进行操控以达到战略目的。

    By using a different model , this paper confirms the references ' important policy implication : even voluntary eco-labeling may be manipulated for strategic purposes in international trade .

  7. 因此,欧洲联盟已制定了生态标签,它是产品和服务,特别是环保产品强制性的欧盟能源标签。

    So the European Union has developed the Eco-label , which it awards to products and services that are particularly environmentally friendly , and the mandatory EU energy label .

  8. 本文阐述欧共体生态标签的最新生态标准,包括制订该标准的目的、标准的框架,具体介绍纺织纤维标准、纺织加工和化学品标准以及适用性标准。

    This section introduces the latest Eco-Standard , including the purpose , frame , especially the textile fiber standard , textile processing and chemicals standard as well as applicability standard .

  9. 且欧盟纺织品生态标签表面上是自愿的,但事实上具有隐蔽的强制性,对环境保护工作还处于起步阶段的中国等广大发展中国家,产生了不可忽视的不利影响。

    Furthermore , although the European Union label seems to be voluntary , it is actually a hidden mandatory , which has disadvantageous influence on those developing countries which environment work has just started .

  10. 本文针对产品消费,运用差异减污模型研究发达国家政府对生态标签的战略性操控。

    Aimed at the consumption phase of products , by using the differentiated abatement model for consumption-generated pollution ( CGP ), this paper studies the strategic manipulation of eco-labeling by a developed country 's government in international trade .

  11. 生态纺织品标签研究

    Research on ecological textile label

  12. 研究我国纺织服装业在外贸中遭遇绿色壁垒受到损失的问题,认为与不了解生态纺织品标签直接相关。

    The problem which domestic textiles and clothing industry are usually exposed to green barriers in foreign trade is researched , and the results show that this has relevance to not familiar with ecological textile labels .

  13. 最后一部分利用Delphi7.0程序开发语言,初步建立起预警系统,可实现信息浏览、生态标准标签查询、指标检测和警度预报等功能。

    The last part develops the Early-Warning System of Green Barriers in Textile Industry by using Delphi 7.0 programmer language , and realized the function of looking through information , inquiring eco-standard and eco-label , detecting index point and predicting warning degree .

  14. 法国乳品集团达能(Danone)最近向超市投放了一种新的酸奶,贴着生态包的标签,一欧元就可以买到六盒。

    In France , dairy group Danone has recently put a new kind of yoghurt into supermarkets . Labelled the Eco Pack , shoppers get six yoghurts for one euro .

  15. 就像慈善腕带一样,今天的良知消费者大张旗鼓地宣扬他们的良好品德,炫耀其闪闪发光的RED标志美国运通卡,展示生态服装上的标签,驾驶混合动力车满世界游荡而不是去乘坐公共汽车。

    As with those wristbands , today 's ethical consumers parade their virtue , brandishing their bright red American Express cards , flaunting the labels on their eco-friendly clothes and driving around in their hybrid cars instead of just taking the bus .