
  • 网络Production Outsourcing;Manufacturing Outsourcing
  1. 对菊花脑D.为了防范生产外包中存在的承包企业的机会主义行为,可以采取契约和产权的措施。

    Meiosis behaviors of D. There are several contractual and property right ways to deal with opportunism behaviors in production outsourcing .

  2. 本文从产业价值链和生产外包理论入手,通过相关理论的总结和纺织企业经营环境的PEST分析,研究了中小型纺织企业生产外包的具体模式,以及选择外包的条件与原则。

    Based on theory of industry value chain and production outsourcing , this paper analyzed the industry environment of textile business ( PEST analysis ) . Then , the specific models of outsourcing of small and medium textile enterprises were analyzed .

  3. 索尼(Sony)表示,将关闭国内10家电子产品工厂中的4家,并将生产外包。

    Sony said it would shut four of its 10 domestic electronics plants and outsource their production .

  4. 香港大学(TheUniversityofHongKong)的迈克尔恩莱特(MichaelEnright)称,曾有位客户打算把生产外包到亚洲地区,因此请他比较一下中国和印度的运输、电力和劳动力成本的优劣。

    Michael Enright of the University of Hong Kong says he was asked by a client considering sourcing manufacturing from Asia to compare Chinese and Indian transport , electricity and labour costs .

  5. 但是这并不意味着程守宗不愿看到黑莓智能手机成功“续命”——尤其是公司决定将生产外包给台湾的富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)之后,做手机的利润已经有了很大的提高。

    But that doesn 't mean Chen wouldn 't like to see BlackBerry smartphones take a new lease on life - especially now that profit margins have been greatly improved by his decision to outsource manufacturing to Taiwan 's Foxconn Technology Group .

  6. 韩国现代重工(HyundaiHeavyIndustries)昨日宣布,计划在俄罗斯远东地区租赁5万公顷农田。这是韩国将农业生产外包至海外、以提升其粮食安全的最新努力。

    South Korea 's Hyundai Heavy Industries yesterday announced it planned to lease 50,000 hectares of farmland in Russia 's far east , in the latest sign of Seoul 's push to increase its food security by outsourcing agricultural production overseas .

  7. 后来几年,马自达将紧凑型轿车的生产外包给铃木,最近,该公司将皮卡汽车的生产外包给五十铃(Isuzu),使自己得以专注于核心业务。

    In later years , Mazda outsourced production of compact cars to Suzuki and more recently , pick-up trucks to Isuzu , allowing it to focus on its core business .

  8. 为营养不良儿童提供强化食品的法国制造企业Nutriset已经把生产外包给非洲当地的特许经营点。

    Nutriset , a French manufacturer of fortified food for malnourished children , has outsourced production to local franchises in Africa .

  9. 箱包制造商新秀丽(Samsonite)将65%的生产外包给中国公司,而近年来它的许多供应商已经搬到了位于长江三角洲的上海周边省份。

    Samsonite , the luggage maker that outsources about 65 per cent of its production to Chinese companies , has seen many of its vendors move to provinces around Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta .

  10. 但是,将生产外包到低工资国家并非总是轻而易举的事情。

    But sourcing goods in lower-wage economies is not always easy .

  11. 我们可以尝试将生产外包给不同厂商。

    We could try outsourcing production to a different manufacturer .

  12. 生产外包双方是一种强连接的伙伴关系,而且具有比较高的转换成本。

    The joint is strong , and the switching cost is high .

  13. 基于信任机制的生产外包合作关系治理研究

    On Governance of Partner Relationship of Manufacturing Outsourcing Based on Trust Mechanism

  14. 最后本文分析了生产外包的决策流程。

    Finally , the article analyses the decision-making process of operation outsourcing .

  15. 模型中的企业的均衡组织形式包括纵向一体化和生产外包。

    The equilibrium organization of firm here includes vertical integration and outsourcing .

  16. 而汽车生产外包商不一定来自中国。

    And the outsourcer wouldn 't necessarily be in China .

  17. 生产外包中的技术溢出机制及效应分析

    Analysis of Technology Spillover Mechanism and Effect in Manufacture Outsourcing

  18. 生产外包是制造业最早实施的外包业务。

    The operation outsourcing is the earliest production outsourcing manufacturing of outsourcing .

  19. 爱立信手机生产外包分析

    Analysis on the Outsourcing of Ericsson Mobile - phone

  20. 跨国生产外包中代工企业选择模型研究

    Study about Supplier Selection Model in Multinational Manufacturing Outsourcing

  21. 代工企业在跨国生产外包中的决策模型及风险因素分析

    An analysis on decision model and risk factors of supplier in multinational manufacturing outsourcing

  22. 本研究观察到在当代跨国公司的生产外包,知识管理和伙伴管理是极为重要,又较难管理的两个方面。

    Management of the knowledge and relationship is the two key aspects of the outsourcing .

  23. 较传统的制造业而言,计算机制造行业的生产外包更为普遍。

    Comparing with traditional industry , outsourcing is more prevalent in the computer manufacturing industry .

  24. 爱立信手机生产外包引发了手机市场的新一轮竞争。

    The outsourcing of Ericsson mobile phone arouse a new competition on the mobile phone market .

  25. 看起来在你父亲将生产外包到中国前德里克一直是工厂的工头

    It looks like Derek was the factory foreman until your dad outsourced production to china .

  26. 如今,客户直接将订单和收入交给中芯国际,由中心国际将生产外包给晶圆厂。

    SMIC now takes orders and revenues from customers directly and outsources production to the fabs .

  27. 制造业企业对生产外包承包商的选择及两者合作关系的调查研究

    The Study of the Manufacturing Enterprises ' Choice of the Outsourcing Contractors and Their Cooperative Relation

  28. 将生产外包到中国

    was moving production to china .

  29. 虚拟经营包括两个方面:一是生产外包,企业专管产品的设计和营销;

    Virtual management includes two aspects : First , production outsourcing , enterprise-specific product design and marketing ;

  30. 这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产外包给其他工厂。

    The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants .