
  • 网络role ambiguity
  1. 我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊及其深层次原因剖析

    Study on the Role Ambiguity of Chinese School Psychologists : Reasons and Solutions

  2. 第二,员工感受到的角色模糊水平对个人业绩具有直接的负影响。

    Secondly , role ambiguity experienced by the subordinate is negatively correlated with individual performance .

  3. 护生进入病房后角色模糊的相关因素及对策

    Study and Countermeasure of the Correlation Factors of the Unclear Roles of Nursing Students after Entering into the Wards

  4. 小学教师的角色模糊、角色冲突、职业倦怠较低,工作满意度较高。

    Comparatively , role ambiguity , role conflict , job burnout in elementary school teachers were lower , job satisfaction was higher .

  5. 中小学教师角色模糊、角色冲突对工作满意度及三者对职业倦怠的影响

    The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Job Satisfaction and Their Effect on Burnout in Elementary School Teachers and Middle School Teachers

  6. 当前,数字图书馆面对著作权而处于角色模糊、权利缺失、行为受缚的尴尬境地。

    Faced with copyright protection , digital library is in an embarrassed situation of vague roles , loss of rights and restraint of behaviors .

  7. 职业发展机会、工作&家庭冲突、角色模糊及组织公平中的分配公平显著预测了外企员工的工作倦怠水平。

    Career development , Work-family confliction , role ambiguity , distribution fairness predict the job burnout level of employees in foreign capital enterprises remarkably .

  8. 小学、中学教师在角色模糊、角色冲突、职业倦怠和工作满意度上有显著差异。

    There were significant differences among role ambiguity , role conflict , job burnout and job satisfaction in elementary school teachers and middle school teachers .

  9. 角色模糊、人际关系对玩世不恭具有正向预测作用;有一本正经的官方意见,就有另外一种玩世不恭的意见。

    Role ambiguity and interpersonal relationship positively predicted cynicism ; Every solemn ," official " utterance can be paired with another that is sharply irreverent .

  10. 第五,具有较高(低)价值承诺水平的员工,对多样性的激励计划做出行为反应时,经历较低(高)的角色模糊。

    Fifthly , subordinates with higher ( lower ) value commitment experience lower ( higher ) role ambiguity in response to the measures diversity in incentive plan .

  11. 团队中防御性的沟通氛围、较低的工作满意度、领导角色模糊都滋养了团队学习中的习惯性防卫。

    " Bad team pattern " means defensive communication atmosphere , low job satisfaction , fuzzy leader role , which caused the defensive routines in team learning .

  12. 第二部门结合访谈调查现实生涯中研讨生角色模糊的实然状况。

    The second part is combined with interviews to survey real-life graduate student whether the role of the graduate is in the ambiguous situation in the real life .

  13. 本文以四川水运公路公司的中层管理者为研究对象,提出建立四川水运公路公司高效中层管理,以解决当前该企业中层管理中普遍存在的角色模糊、职责不清、时间管理混乱等问题。

    Taking Sichuan Water-transport and highway Company as the object , in this thesis a proposal is offered that efficient mid-level management be established in the company to solve problems such as ambiguous roles , confused function and tangled managing of time .

  14. 工作自主性匹配、工作目标导向性匹配、角色模糊、角色冲突、工作超载、社会支持、报酬合理性对工作倦怠各维度有各自不同的作用。

    The main results were showed as following : ( 1 ) P-j fit on job autonomy and task goal 、 role ambiguity 、 role conflict 、 rewards 、 social support 、 work overload had different effects on the dimensions of burnout .

  15. 正是由此出发,本文对我国地方政府特别是地市一级政府的行政审批现状进行了分析和研究,提出政府角色模糊是导致地方政府行政审批制度改革陷入困境的根本原因。

    As for this , the paper analyzes the present situation of local governments administrative examination and approval system , and points out the obscure government role is the fundamental reason that causes the reform of the local government administrative examination and approval system falling into predicament .

  16. 市场经济体制的确立和发展,家庭功能的改变以及两性角色的模糊,个人观念的改变则是促使离婚案件呈不断上升趋势的重要因素。

    Development of market economy , changes of family function and individual ideas and gender ambiguity are main reasons of increasing of divorce cases .

  17. 二是房屋拆迁中的政府角色定位模糊,因滥用行政权力干预拆迁活动而引发的社会冲突严重;

    Second , the role of government is faint in house dismantlement and social conflicts caused by abusing administrative power to interfere in dismantlement are severe ;

  18. 在许多组织中,该角色往往是模糊的,而敏捷新的产品负责人角色,并没有让事情变得更加简单。

    That role is often nebulous to many in the organization , and agile does not make things easier with its new product owner role .

  19. 但对于基本物理来说,对称的角色的定位模糊,特别是这些角色经常是非常抽象的,并且经常与于量子力学高度非直觉的基本原则混淆。

    But there is something especially hard to communicate about roles of symmetry in basic physics , particularly because these roles are often very abstract , and they frequently depend upon the highly non-intuitive and confusing fundamental principles of quantum mechanics .

  20. 角色冲突和角色模糊对护士工作倦怠的影响

    The Influence of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Nurse Job Burnout

  21. 护士长角色冲突与角色模糊状况及影响因素调查研究

    Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity Among Head Nurses and the Influencing Factors

  22. 性别角色大概会继续模糊下去。

    Gender roles will probably keep on blurring .

  23. 目的了解护士长角色冲突与角色模糊的状况及其相关因素。

    Objective To explore the status of role conflict and role ambiguity of head nurses and their influencing factors .

  24. 角色压力对员工敬业度有显著的负向影响;角色冲突和角色模糊全部负向影响员工敬业度。

    Role stress has a negative impact on employee engagement . Role conflict and role ambiguity all have significant negative effort on employee engagement . 4 .