
  • 网络refractive surgery;keratorefractive surgery
  1. 角膜屈光手术从RK,PRK到LASIK走过了一个逐步成熟、完善的过程。

    The keratorefractive surgery has been developing from RK and PRK to LASIK and is becoming perfected gradually .

  2. ORA测量的眼压值可能较GAT、NCT更接近真实值,尤其角膜屈光手术后。

    ORA IOP measurements may be more closer to the real value than GAT , NCT value , especially after corneal refractive surgery .

  3. Q值调整的个体化准分子激光角膜屈光手术治疗近视的临床观察新辅助化疗加保肢手术治疗肢体骨肉瘤

    Clinical observation of Q-value guided customized LASIK for myopia The new adjuvant chemotherapy with limb salvage surgery for extremity osteosarcoma

  4. 结论22mmHg负压环辅助注视为PRK和LASIK术中的眼球固定提供良好的控制技术,对提高激光角膜屈光手术的视觉质量具有重要意义。

    Conclusion 22 mmHg suction ring aid fixation is an effective , safe approach to control eye shift during the surgery of PRK and LASIK . It will benefit the visual quality after refractive surgery .

  5. 目的探讨准分子激光近视性角膜屈光手术(PRK、Lasik)后立体视觉的变化,从视觉最高级的角度评价准分子激光近视性角膜屈光手术的临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the effects on stereopsis vision acuity after photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) and laser in situkeratomileusis ( Lasik ) for patients with myopia , in order to evaluate the clinic value of PRK and Lasik from the most vision function .

  6. 方法年龄2~3个月的健康恒河猴8只,每只猴一只眼接受准分子激光角膜屈光手术(PRK),使术后产生300D相对近视或远视性离焦(各4只);

    Methods PRK was performed in 8 healthy rhesus monkeys age ranging from 2 to 3 months . Either 3.00 D of relative hyperopic or myopic defocus was produced in one eye and the fellow eye as controls .

  7. 屈光参差性弱视行角膜屈光手术后实施遮盖疗法的效果分析

    The occlusion effect on the anisometropic amblyopic after the corneal refractive surgery

  8. 角膜屈光手术后人工晶状体植入度数的计算

    Intraocular lens power calculation in cataract phacoemulsification after refractive surgery

  9. 波阵面像差技术在角膜屈光手术中的应用

    Wavefront aberrations technique in cornea phototropism surgical operation of application

  10. 基于有限元方法的角膜屈光手术分析

    The Analysis of Cornea Refractive Surgery Based on the Finite Element Method

  11. 波前像差仪在角膜屈光手术前瞳孔直径测量中的应用

    The wavefront analyzer for measurement of scotopic pupil size before refractive surgery

  12. 眼球旋转和瞳孔中心移位对角膜屈光手术的影响

    Effects of eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift during corneal refractive surgery

  13. 611例未行准分子激光角膜屈光手术的原因分析

    Analysis of the reasons that 611 patients did not undergo laser refractive keratectomy

  14. 飞点准分子激光角膜屈光手术理论及实验研究

    Flying Spot Excimer Laser Corneal Surgery Theory and Experiments

  15. 角膜屈光手术消融精度影响因素的分析

    The Analyse of Effect Factors For Cornea Ablation Precision

  16. 直面角膜屈光手术后的生活视觉质量

    Life quality of vision after corneal refractive surgery

  17. 角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜的临床分析

    Corneal ectasia following corneal refractive surgery for myopia

  18. 角膜屈光手术对人眼高阶像差影响的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on Ocular Higher Order Aberrations before and after Myopic Corneal Refractive Surgery

  19. 中老年近视患者的角膜屈光手术和晶状体屈光手术的选择

    The selection of corneal or lens refractive surgery in middle-aged and elderly patients with myopia

  20. 高质量的角膜屈光手术包括三个主要环节:优良的准分子激光手术设备;

    Higher quality corneal refractive surgery includes three major parts : excellent excimer laser device ;

  21. 结论角膜屈光手术治疗屈光性斜视是一种有效的方法。

    Conclusion The treatment of refractive squint with corneal refractive surgery is a very effective method .

  22. 近视眼患者选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的影响因素

    Analysis of influencing factors on the choice to cure myopia by Excimer laser corneal refractive surgery

  23. 结论角膜屈光手术后实施遮盖疗法是治疗屈光参差性弱视的一种有效方法。

    Conclusion The occlusion is an effective method on the treatment of the anisometropic amblyopia after the corneal refractive surgery .

  24. 结论透明晶状体超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术与角膜屈光手术相比较,更适合治疗高度进行性近视及超高度近视。

    Conclusion Compared with refractive keratoplasty , this operation is more suitable for progressive high myopia and super high myopia .

  25. 目的评价角膜屈光手术后实施遮盖疗法治疗屈光参差性弱视的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the occlusion on the anisometropic amblyopia after the corneal refractive and make the conclusion .

  26. 测量了角膜屈光手术后人眼角膜前后表面的生理数据。

    The radius of anterior and posterior corneal surface , central corneal thickness and Q value of anterior and posterior corneal surface are obtained .

  27. 评价角膜屈光手术质量的金标准是不但要达到预期的矫正视力,还要获得良好的生活视觉质量。

    The golden standard of evaluating corneal refractive surgery is not only the anticipated corrected visual acuity , but also the good life quality of vision .

  28. 目的:探索准分子激光角膜屈光手术联合板层角膜移植术的可行性,为临床研究提供理论依据。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of lamellar keratoplasty combined with photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) and phototherapeutic keratectomy ( PTK ) and provide theoretical basis for clinical study .

  29. 波前像差引导的准分子激光角膜屈光手术是个性化切削的主要方法,与传统的矫正屈光不正方法相比,在原理和方法上有很大不同。

    Wavefront aberration guided excimer laser cornea ablation is a main method of customised corneal ablation . Compared to traditional refractive errors correcting , the principle and technique are quite different .

  30. 现回顾角膜屈光手术的发展,并运用哲学原理对个体化切削的依据、技术创新及其具体应用加以综述。

    Recalling the history of refractive surgery , then using the principles of philosophy to review the basis of the customized ablation , its technological innovation and the specific ways of the practice .