
  • 网络Angle block;angle plates
  1. 弧形制动器,弧形制动闸检验圆锥滚道用弧形角度块组合标准器

    Combined Standard Appliance With Arc Formation Angle Block Used to Check Taper Raceway

  2. 弧形角度块组合标准器结构简单可靠,稳定性好,精度高,装夹调整方便,制造加工工艺容易实现。

    The combined standard appliance with arc formation angle block has many advantages , its structure is simple and reliable , stability is fine , accuracy is high , adjustment of assemble and fixture is convenient , manufacture process is easily realized .

  3. 在块变量概念的基础上,提出了一种新的数学方法子空间比较法从多维空间的角度对块变量之间的相关性进行研究。

    A new method named subspace comparison method has been brought forward to investigate relationship between block variables from high-dimension aspect .

  4. 在重建过程中采取对投影矩阵按投影角度分块的方法,选取特定的松弛参数。

    We select the special relaxation parameter and put the projection matrix into many blocks according to the projection angles in the reconstruction procedure .

  5. 析因法分析螺杆转速、喂料速率和错列角度对捏合块元件PRTD曲线的延迟时间和平均停留时间的影响,发现转速最大,角度和比产率接近;

    The full factorial design was introduced to investigate the factors including rotating speed of the screw , the stagger angles of the kneading blocks and the specific throughput that have significant effects on delay time and the mean residence time of PRTD in twin screw extruder .

  6. 国内外学者从不同侧面、不同角度对词块的特征进行了研究。

    Scholars from home and abroad carry on the research of the characteristic of lexical chunks from various perspectives .

  7. 该文在句类分析的基础上,从小句间语义块共享关系的角度分析语义块的省略。

    Ellipsis should be divided into two categories : the ellipsis formed by full semantics chunks share and the ellipsis formed by integrant semantics chunks share .

  8. 从语言的功能角度浅析语块在口语中的应用从语块学习与重复模仿谈大学英语口语教学

    Study on Formulaic Sequences in Spoken English Teaching from the Aspect of Language Functions On Teaching of College Oral English in Perspective of Repeated Imitation of Formulaic Language

  9. 通过改变凸轮的轮廓曲线、初始位置和转动角度或斜块的倾斜角,可实现预期的压边力变化。

    And the VBHF curves as expected could be obtained by changing the shape , original position and rotation angle of the cam , or the inclined angle of the ramps .

  10. 通过这种学习模式,卡内基梅隆大学研发的机器人可以从多个角度拾起一块电池,有时候甚至能把电池装到黑莓手机上。

    Using this learning method , a robot at CMU is able to pick up a battery from various angles and , sometimes , snap it into a Blackberry-a job most people can do intuitively .

  11. 从实践角度看,词块在写作中发挥着积极的作用,词块法在以英语作为外语教学(TEFL)中取得了显著的效果。

    Practically , lexical chunks play an active role in writing and the lexical approach is of great effectiveness in TEFL .

  12. 文章将从认知处理信息的角度来研究词块及其作用。

    The paper examines lexical chunks and its role from the perspective of processing .

  13. 不同角度的标准角块、棱镜、角反射器(角锥棱镜)及大口径、高精度的光胶板。

    Angle masters with various angles , prisms , corner cubes and lage aperture and high precision cemented plate .

  14. 成任意角度连接的两块平板转角处阻振质量对平面弯曲波传递的影响分析

    Analysis of the effect of blocking mass at corner interface of two plates at arbitrary angles on transmission of plane bending waves

  15. 运用波分析法对于成任意角度连接的两块平板转角处的振动能量传递问题进行了理论分析,目的在于探讨附加在转角处的阻振质量对结构波传递的阻挡作用。

    The vibration energy transmission at corner interface of two infinite plates rigidly joined at arbitrary angles is studied by wave approach so as to investigate the effect of blocking mass used for reducing plane bending wave transmission .

  16. 通过软件仿真,本文模拟了直播系统的工作过程,研究了系统的负载能力,并从单个媒体块的角度分析了媒体块在整个网络中传播的过程。

    Through simulation , we simulate the working process of the P2P Live Streaming system , and we research the load capability of the system . We also analyze the process of the spreading of media pieces over the entire network from the perspective of single media piece .