
  • 网络role maladjustment
  1. 由于角色化过程的复杂性,在诉讼角色扮演过程中,还经常发生角色失调的问题,本文在分析其原因以后提出了一些矫正方法。

    Due to the complexity of role developing process , problems of role maladjustment would frequently surge at the time of litigation role acting . This article puts forward some solutions along with analysis of its reasons .

  2. 医学生角色失调及目标定位

    Imbalance of the Role and Orientation of Objective in Medical Students

  3. 体育教师角色失调与调适

    Physical Education Teachers ' Role Imbalance and Adjustment

  4. 本文运用教育学、心理学、社会学原理,对体育教师角色失调的根源、后果进行了分析。

    According to the tenets of education psychology and sociology , the essay analyses the origin and consequences for the P.E.teachers ? role imbalance .

  5. 文章通过分析高校两课教师角色失调的基本现状,从而为角色定位提出明确要求。

    This text , through analyzing current situation and reason of the role imbalance of university'teachers , thus orient and put forward the clear request for the role .

  6. 产后忧郁症和角色转换失调。

    Postpartum psychosis and conversion disorder .

  7. 第二章,从角色转移、角色失调等方面,考察和分析艺术家在社会转型时期所扮演的社会角色,阐释艺术主体的角色实践与社会之间的有机联系。

    In Chapter Two , the intrinsic relationship between society and the role practice of art subject is explained by examining the social role of artists in society transforming period from the perspectives of role transformation and role imbalance .

  8. 在其社会角色的转换过程中,他们的职业角色发生了改变,但社会身份却因户籍而不能随之转变,导致了角色的冲突和角色失调。

    In the translation process of social role , their professional roles changed , but social identity but because of household registration and cannot then change , led to the role conflict and role disorder .