
  • 网络studied nonobservance
  1. 我们的希望不是空谈的希望,不是那种盲目的乐观主义,或者是对所面临问题的有意忽视。

    We hope not words of hope , not the kind of blind optimism , or is the problem faced by the willful neglect .

  2. 最根本的问题在于他们不愿意看清(或是他们有意忽视)市场需要什么才能产生对社会有利的结果。

    Most fundamentally to blame is their unwillingness to see ( or their wilful ignorance of ) what markets need in order to produce good outcomes for society .

  3. 其负面影响之一,是对士兵的地位和作用的有意忽视.影响之二是人文精神的缺乏,并由此形成其悼论和反讽特征。

    One of the negative influence is common soldiers ' role is neglected , another is the lack of humanistic spirits , which results in the paradox and irony .

  4. 尼克松政府对南部非洲问题采取有意忽视的策略,维护和继承了肯尼迪时期的政策,采取了与葡萄牙进行合作的态度,推行双轨制。

    Nixon administration intended to take ignore policy toward southern African , which maintained and inherited the policy of Kennedy government , it took two-track system to cooperate with Portugal .

  5. 虽然加州的执政者自我表扬,并宣称加州经济已复苏,但他们却有意忽视了在我们身边数百万生活在贫困中的人们。

    While the politicians who run California pat themselves on the back and claim a ' California Comeback , ' they willfully ignore millions of our neighbors who are living in poverty .

  6. 中国经济出现大幅结构性放缓的可能性早在意料之中,但此前一直被有意忽视。这种放缓对自然资源出口国而言是一场大灾难,并给多数新兴市场(墨西哥和印度除外)带来通缩效应。

    The sharp structural slowdown in China , long predicted but wilfully ignored until now , is a catastrophe for exporters of natural resources and deflationary for most emerging markets , with the exception of Mexico and India .

  7. 引用领导力专家摩根•麦考尔(MorganMcCall)有关明星高管的著作,弗恩海姆指出,晋升过快的人因在某些方面表现出色而被提拔,但他们的缺陷却被有意地忽视了。

    Drawing on leadership expert Morgan McCall 's work on high flyers , Prof Furnham argued that fast-trackers get promoted for excelling in certain ways , while their faults are deliberately overlooked .

  8. 你们越有意的忽视真相,那么你就给了黑暗势力更多的力量。

    The more you deny the truth , the more power you give to the Dark Forces .

  9. 在我看来,无视肤色极其危险,因为它意味着我们有意地忽视问题。

    It doesn 't ensure it . In my view , color blindness is very dangerous because it means we 're ignoring the problem .

  10. 企业纷纷加入到ISO质量体系认证的大军中,不少企业有意或无意开始忽视已搞了十几年的TQM,TQM还有没有用,还要不要搞,质量体系认证能否替代TQM?

    As an increased number of companies required to have ISO quality system certification , some of these companies began to ignore TQM , which they have practised for many years . Could TQM be replaced by quality system certification ?

  11. 但是,对于主持修律的机构&修订法律馆却被有意或无意地忽视了。

    However , the Bureau for Compilation of Law & an institute of holding law-making , are intentionally or unintentionally overlooked .

  12. 原因可能就在于公司面临着创收的巨大压力,有意或无意地忽视了风险意识文化的贯彻,也没有采用支持公司交易和风险管理所必需的技术手段。

    Companies facing immense pressure to generate revenue , however , do not always implement the risk-aware culture and implement the capabilities needed to support their trading and risk management operations .

  13. 因此,对其作品的批评也往往局限于这一传统的批评常规,有意或无意地忽视了她对其他文学思潮的尝试和内化。

    Consequently , the traditional critical discourse about Oates usually defines her works into a limited critical normality , deliberately or indeliberately neglecting her attempts and assimilation of other literary thoughts .

  14. 换言之,货币、金融、金融的作用及金融的变化长期以来在很大程度上被人们无论是有意还是无意地忽视、忽略或者省略掉了。

    In other words , money , finance , the role of finance and the change of finance , to a great extent , have been overlooked , ignored and omitted consciously or unconsciously .

  15. 词汇教学理论指出词汇学习可分为有意学习和附带习得两种方式。传统词汇教学大多强调词汇的有意学习,忽视词汇的附带习得。

    Traditional vocabulary learning can be mainly categorized as intentional , in which the incidental learning approach is neglected .