
  1. 有工装设计经验,会CAD制图;

    With tools design experience , and skilled with CAD .

  2. 她搬到城市去,在那里有工。

    She moved to the city , where jobs are available .

  3. 有工-作的时候就工作,没工作的时候就-在家做饭。

    When a job of work , no work , when cooking at home .

  4. 工质循环通路上位于蒸发器和冷凝器之间设置有工质泵。

    A working medium pump is arranged on the working medium circulation path between the evaporator and the condenser .

  5. 在事故出现后,大批警察清理场地。有工人们对画像进行清洁。

    Large numbers of police cleared the area after the incident and workers have been seen cleaning the portrait .

  6. 功能表图的组成元素有工步及动作、有向连线、转换及转换条件等。

    The function diagram forming elements are working steps and motion , there are direction connecting , change and change condition etc.

  7. 只能偷偷的打点现金类的工作的,且工资比有工卡的低上好多呢。

    The RBI can only cash secretly kind of work , and wages have jobs than low cards on a lot of it .

  8. 我们没有见过面,他特意告诉我他戴的有工卡,第一次发现工卡居然这么重要。

    He told that he wore the ID card so that I could recognize him . I firstly realized that how important the ID card was .

  9. 听着,我有份工给你……今晚。

    Listen , I got a job for you ... Tonight .

  10. 既有水工钢闸门的状态分析和模糊评定

    Study on the Status and Fuzzy Assessment of Existing Hydraulic Steel Sluices

  11. 如果有份工,会对你的病好一点。

    It should be better if you 've a job .

  12. 是四十周年纪念…自他有这份工。

    The fortieth anniversary of . the day he got his job .

  13. 既有水工钢闸门构件剩余寿命估算方法研究

    Study on estimation of remaining life of members of existing hydraulic steel gates

  14. 我在加油站有份工

    I 've got a job on an oil rig . No sweat .

  15. 新加宽路基填筑对既有路堤工后沉降的影响分析

    Analysis of influence on post-construction settlement of existing embankment by filling newly widened Subgrade

  16. 有打入工商业的意向

    With the object of going into business

  17. 多数餐厅还雇有杂工,负责倒水,清理并摆放餐桌餐具以及诸如此类的工作。

    Most restaurants also employ bus-boys , who pour water , clear and set tables and perform other similar chores .

  18. 如何对既有水工钢闸门进行合理鉴定,并估算其剩余寿命和可靠性是一个值得探讨的课题。

    How to reasonably appraise the existing hydraulic steel gate and estimate the residual life and reliability is an issue worthy to be discussed .

  19. 这说来话长。无论如何,如果他有转工的话,他就不会跟苏珊分开了。

    It 's a long story . Anyway , if he had changed his job , he wouldn 't have broken up with Susan .

  20. 1该技术处理软基,施工期间沉降及沉降速率大,有利于工后沉降的控制。

    The settlement and its rate of soft foundation improved by this technology is remarkable during construction , which is beneficial to control residual settlement .

  21. 节制压力的格式之一是死谙到糊心中有许多工做是我们出法掌控的。

    One of the keys to controlling stress is to realize that there are many things in our life over which we have no control .

  22. 职业病多为尘肺病,其次为噪声聋(包括中度和重度听力损伤),个别有焦炉工肺癌、职业性中毒等;

    The majority of occupational diseases were pneumoconiosis , followed by noise induced hearing loss and lung cancer among coke oven workers , and occupational poisonings .

  23. 三块有刻工的黑漆面板被黏在金属底板上。所以你看见表面刻花间的红色实际上是底板上的漆。

    The three black lacquer panels are carved with open work and attached to the metal base , so the red you see in the spaces of the lacquer is actually the paint on the base .

  24. 农业产业化进程提高了农村要素生产率和联合交易能力,有利于工农业产品之间的平等交易,为培育农产品的上层交易市场营造了更好的氛围。

    The agriculture industrialization has raised rural factor productivity and the ability of joint transaction . It is beneficial to equal transaction between industrial goods and agricultural goods , and it also creates favorable atmosphere for the growth of upper transaction market .

  25. 通过对既有海工结构进行科学的耐久性评估与寿命预测,从而制定正确的加固、维修策略;通过对影响结构耐久性寿命因素的分析,从而提高待建结构的耐久性设计水平与施工质量。

    Scientific strengthening and maintenance tactics can be made by durability assessment and service life prediction of the existing marine structures ; and the durability level and construction quality of planed building structures can be improved by analyzing influencing factors of durability life .

  26. 吸附床的设计目前没有一个严格的设计标准,本文总结吸附式制冷的设计经验,特设计出了壳管式的吸附床,这样的吸附床有利于工质的装填和具有一定的承压能力。

    There is not a strict design standard for adsorption bed , so at the base of adsorption refrigeration design experience , I design shell and pipe type adsorption bed which is very beneficial to put the working pairs into the bed and certain bearing press ability .

  27. 我们有几个临时工的空缺。

    We have several vacancies for casual workers .

  28. 他们有个换工姑娘住在家里。

    They have an au pair living in .

  29. 他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司??亚洲信息公司(Asiainfo)。

    He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a small Internet software company that he co-founded in Dallas .

  30. 当前文献中未见有AFP同工型和AFP表位及构象变体的分类。

    Presently , there is no catalogue of the multiple isoforms and epitopic and conformational variants of AFP in the literature .