
  1. 从语用研究角度出发,作者收集了150个含平面广告,其中含有预设的有效广告为118个,主要来源于英语报刊杂志。

    From the perspective of pragmatic presupposition , the author collected 150 advertisements ( 118 valid ads ), which are mainly collected from English magazines and newspapers .

  2. 何种译本的传播效果最好,涉及到模因的强弱程度,最为强势的译本或模因将战胜其他竞争对手,成为家喻户晓的有效广告。

    The best version should be the one with the best transmission effect and the strongest meme which will prevail over other competitors , and become widely known and effective advertising .

  3. 本论文列举了多则广告,主题遍布各行各业,例证了如何把强势模因和有效广告结合,应用广告翻译策略,广告翻译评估方法打造成功的广告翻译。

    The thesis quoted a great deal of commercial advertising in various fields , illustrated how to create a successful advertising translation by combining strong meme with effective advertising and by using advertising translation strategies and assessments .

  4. 全球最大的公司,比如谷歌(Google)和Facebook,都是通过向用户提供更有效的广告来获得发展。

    Some of the biggest companies in the world , like Google ( GOOG ) and Facebook ( FB ) , have grown by delivering more effective ads to users .

  5. 同传统的管理人员主观判断和单一评价指标相比,DEA模型提供了一种更为有效的广告效果评价方法。

    Compared with the traditional subjective judgments of administrative staff and single evaluation index model , DEA model has offered a more effective method in appraising advertisement effect .

  6. 有效的广告千人成本&新的理论思考与操作的方法

    Advertising cost per thousand , a new theory and process

  7. 对于各大品牌而言,明星是一种有效的广告宣传。

    For brands , the stars are an alternative form of advertising .

  8. 那有没有兼具经济效益与长期有效的广告宣传方式呢?当然有!

    Does any advertisement has economical and available benefit ? Of course has !

  9. 有效的广告取得共鸣。

    Effective advertisements strike a responsive chord .

  10. 超级自选影院宣传频道〔有线电视〕商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。

    Barker Channel [ Wharf Cable ] Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising .

  11. 成功有效的广告,往往通过看似漫不经心的大创意,潜移默化地影响着消费者。

    A successful advertising exerts an imperceptibly influence on consumer by a casual but distinctive ideas .

  12. 你的案文指出,其中一个因素导致成功零售业对网上涉及有效的广告。

    Your text states that one of the factors leading to successful retailing on the Web involves effective advertising .

  13. 视频广告如何借助新兴媒体将最有效的广告信息传递出去变得十分重要。

    How do video ads with new media to deliver the most effective advertising message out to become very important .

  14. 你认为最有效的广告媒体是什么?电视,广播还是印刷品?

    James : So what do you see as the most effective means of advertising ? TV , radio , or print ?

  15. 有效的广告可以增强消费者对产品的质量意识,以此来鼓励消费者多次购买此产品。

    And effective advertising can enhance consumer perceptions of quality in the product , thus encouraging customers to buy this product repeatedly .

  16. 因此,有效的广告监管制度就成为保护消费者的权益,促进市场资源合理配置的重要制度。

    So the effective administration system of advertisement is an important administration system for protecting customers'rights and interests and promoting arrange the market resource .

  17. 文章从心理语言学的角度,分析广告英语常用的几种句型,旨在帮助广告撰写者创造更有效的广告。

    The paper analyses several commonly-used sentence patterns in advertising English from the psycholinguistic perspective , aiming at helping copy-writers to create more effective advertisements .

  18. 息票是一种有效的广告和促销手段,方法是通过提供折扣或礼品以促使顾客购买某种商品。

    Coupons are effective means for advertisement and sales promotion . They push customers to buy certain merchandise by providing appealing discount prices or gifts .

  19. 利用广告的层级类目信息,提出了一种有效的广告预过滤算法减小候选广告集,进而提高广告点击率预测和排序的效率。

    Propose an effective advertising pre-filtering algorithm to reduce the set of candidate ads with level category information , thereby Enhance the efficiency of click-through rate prediction .

  20. 通过论述有效的广告管理的关键在于正确评估广告效果,本文提出了建立科学的广告效果评估体系的必要性。

    By expounding that correct evaluation of advertising effects is crucial for effective advertising management , this thesis puts forward the necessity of establishing a scientific system to evaluate advertising effects .

  21. 媒体已经慢慢确信网络不是个有效的广告平台,结论是明摆着的:他们应该从免费的网络世界撤出。

    Media firms that were already coming to believe that the web is a mediocre advertising platform have drawn a stark conclusion : they should pull back from the free web .

  22. 作为一种有效的广告交际手段,对商业广告委婉语的产生机制和理解过程的探究无疑是在研究委婉语和广告语言的道路上迈出了新的一步。

    The investigation of the generating mechanisms and interpretation process of the effective way of advertising communication & commercial advertising euphemism provides a new way to explore euphemism and advertising language .

  23. 一个有效的广告推荐系统首先应该能根据各种情况调整广告推荐集的输出,并能对广告商的一些要求设置广告过滤规则。

    An effective ad recommendation system should have the capacity that adjust the output of sets of ads recommendation , according to variety factors , and set ads filter rules for the demand of advertisers .

  24. 在随处可见的吸引人而又有效的广告中,隐喻性表达被广告创作者作为一种策略用来把广告需传达的信息概念有效地传递给目标受众。

    In the common catching and effective advertisements , metaphorical expressions are applied by the ad creators as a strategy to achieve the effective conveyance of the advertised messages or concepts to the target audience .

  25. 对节庆期间POP广告设计的专题研究,为商家企业在商品日趋同质化的市场环境中进行有效的POP广告设计,制造独特卖点,迎合消费者消费心理提供有益启迪和重要参考。

    Therefore , the study on the POP advertisement design during the festival provides a beneficial enlightenment and important reference for the enterprises , who face market full of the homogenous products , to design the POP advertisement effectively .

  26. 有效利用公益广告提升企业形象的策略研究

    Strategic research of improving corporate image by utilizing public service advertising

  27. 因此功能翻译理论特殊的翻译策略和方法可有效地指导广告翻译。

    Thus , functionalist approaches can effectively guide advertising translation .

  28. 在网站运作过程之中,建议投放一些有效的网络广告。

    In the website operation process , some effective Suggestions on the Internet advertising .

  29. 满意的顾客是有效的活广告。

    Happy clients are our effected advertisers .

  30. 或许最有效的交互式广告实施方式之一是所谓的病毒式营销。

    Perhaps one of the most effective implementations of interactive advertising is so-called Viral marketing .