
  • 网络commodity;Name of Commodity
  1. 从中西文化的差异看商品品名的翻译商业品牌参照下的少林文化品牌化研究

    Sino-Western Cultural Distance In Translation of Trademark Words ; Study on Shaolin Culture Branding in Contrast with Commercial Brand

  2. 被更换货物出仓前,更换货物应当先行入仓,并应当与原货物的商品编码、品名、规格型号、数量和价值相同。

    Before they are taken out , their replacements of the same codes , brands , specifications , models , quantities and value shall be put into such warehouses first .

  3. 经营者销售、收购商品和提供服务,应当按照政府价格主管部门的规定明码标价,注明商品的品名、产地、规格、等级、计价单位、价格或者服务的项目、收费标准等有关情况。

    In marketing and purchasing merchandises or providing services , business operators should clearly tap the related prices , specify names , places of origin , specifications , grades , price units , prices or items , fee collection standards and other related information according to the government 's regulations .