
  • 网络Business Review;Harvard Business Review
  1. 正如营销学教授西尔维亚·贝莱扎、尼尔鲁·帕哈里亚和阿娜特·科伊南最近在《哈佛商业评论》上所解释的,闲暇时间曾被视为较高社会地位的标志,只有那些上层人士才能获得。

    As marketing professors Silvia Bellezza , Neeru Paharia , and Anat Keinan recently explained in Harvard Business Review ( HBR ) , leisure time was once seen as an indicator of high social status , something attainable only for those at the top .

  2. 这个关于你的产品的商业评论很苛刻。

    It 's a hard business review of your product .

  3. 三位作者在《哈佛商业评论》中写道,在某种程度上,这种模式可能与与过去几十年以来工作本身的变化方式有关。

    In part , the authors wrote in HBR , this pattern may have to do with the way work itself has changed over the past several decades .

  4. 这一概念首次出现在上世纪80年代晚期的《哈佛商业评论》上。

    The term first appeared in a late 1980s publication2 of the Harvard Business Review .

  5. 或者,正如《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)简单说的那样:“只有完全定型的成年人才应该适用。”

    Or , as the Harvard Business Review succinctly put it : " Only fully formed adults need apply . "

  6. 对美国企业巨头们的巨额财富,大手笔的买卖,和重大决定的近距离的详实了解(b哈佛商业评论)

    Up - close glimpses of the big money , big deals , and big decisions of America 's entrepreneurial giants ( bHarvard Business Review )

  7. 1992年平衡计分卡的发明者罗伯特·R·卡普兰和戴维·P·诺顿,首次在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了关于平衡计分卡的文章。

    In 1992 the inventor of the Balanced Scorecard , Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton , debuted their methodology in the Harvard Business Review .

  8. 几年前,《哈佛商业评论》(harvardbusinessreview)上的一篇文章指出,可爱的人颇有价值,因为他们可以把团队凝聚起来。

    A couple of years ago there was an article in Harvard Business Review showing that loveable people are valuable as they glue teams together .

  9. 或许更能说明问题的是,在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)最新出炉的世界前100位最佳CEO的榜单上,24人获得过工程学学位。

    Perhaps more tellingly , 24 of Harvard Business Review 's latest list of the world 's 100 best-performing CEOs have degrees in engineering .

  10. 在最新一期的《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)中有一个研究案例,内容是一位30岁的美国女士去面试一份在中国开设商店的工作。

    In the latest Harvard Business Review there is a case study of a 30-year-old American woman interviewed for a job opening a store in China .

  11. 《哈佛商业评论》(surveyedbyHarvardBusinessReview)调查了2100家公司,其中使用社交网络的公司中,仅有12%认为自己有效地利用了社交媒体。

    Among 2,100 companies surveyed by Harvard Business Review , a meagre 12 % of those using social media feel they use it effectively .

  12. 无怪乎《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)在去年十月的一篇文章中,将数据分析称做“21世纪最热门的职业。”

    No wonder , then , thatharvard business review , in an article last October , called data analytics " the sexiest job of the 21st century . "

  13. 几周前,《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)发布了一篇博文,内容是195名全球领导者自己提出的最重要的领导者特质。

    A couple of weeks ago the Harvard Business Review published a blog about the most important traits of leaders , as reported by 195 global leaders themselves .

  14. 在LinkedIn和《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)网站上,读者们迫不及待地对这股潮流点“赞”。

    On LinkedIn and the Harvard Business Review website , readers can 't get their fingers on the " like " button fast enough .

  15. 2010年《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)对4000名高层员工进行了调查,结果显示19%的男性员工有一名担保人,而女性的比例仅为13%。

    A 2010 Harvard Business Review Study of 4,000 high-level employees reported that 19 % of men say they have a sponsor , compared with 13 % of women .

  16. 几年前,《哈佛商业评论》(harvardbusinessreview)做了一项有趣的调查,主题是:就职业发展而言,到底是能力重要、还是讨人喜欢重要?

    There was an interesting study done a few years ago in the Harvard Business Review that investigated whether competence or niceness was the greater asset in career terms .

  17. 他们去年在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)上撰文称:与医生和律师不同,管理者不需要正式的教育,更不用从业许可证。

    Unlike doctors and lawyers , managers don 't need a formal education , let alone a licence to practise , they wrote in the Harvard Business Review last year .

  18. 2月期《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)中一篇相对明智的文章试图解释,为什么我们都理解错了,而我的前台朋友却理解对了。

    A relatively sensible article in February 's Harvard Business Review attempts to explain why we are getting it all wrong and why my receptionist friend is getting it right .

  19. 《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)10月号即将发表一项为期四年的研究,这一具有划时代意义的研究似乎证实了,放下工作能够给工作带来意想不到的好处。

    A groundbreaking four-year study , set for publication in the October issue of Harvard Business Review , seems to confirm that getting away from work can yield unexpected on-the-job benefits .

  20. 根据《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)的数据,自新千年以来,美国信息产业领域失去了75万个工作岗位,降幅仅次于制造业。

    According to the Harvard Business Review , the US has shed 750000 jobs in the information sector since the turn of the millennium - second only to manufacturing in percentage terms .

  21. 据信,5月号《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)上的一篇文章证明了这一理论。在这篇文章中,238名职业人士被要求每天记录他们内心中的工作生活。

    This theory is supposedly proved by an article in the May edition of the Harvard Business Review in which 238 professionals were asked to keep daily diaries of their inner working lives .

  22. 最后,也是最令人沮丧的是《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)9月的封面故事,用10页纸的篇幅慷慨激昂地讲述女性高管的境况从未如此糟糕。

    Finally and most depressingly , is the cover story of this month 's Harvard Business Review , which is a 10-page rant about how senior women have never had it so bad .

  23. 就职于瑞士信贷投行部门的兰金(RobinRankin)今年早些时候获得了晋升发表在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)上的这项研究发现,男性和女性得到提升或遭遇裁员的机率大致相当。

    The study , being published in the Harvard Business Review , found men and women were roughly equally likely to be promoted or laid off .

  24. 第三个黑即是白观点,见于咨询顾问乔丹??科恩(JordanCohen)在《哈佛商业评论》网站上发表的一篇文章。该文章鼓吹的是另一股新潮流。

    The third idea is another new trend being pushed in an article by consultant Jordan Cohen on the HBR website .

  25. 一项刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)的研究发现,只有当女性不仅仅看重自身形象,而且还专注于自己的目的时,她们才有望提升自己的高管风范。

    In a study featured in the Harvard Business Review , researchers found that executive presence can only be improved if women focused not just on their style but also on their purpose & their reason for communicating .

  26. 2005年《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)一项叫做隐性人力流失的研究显示,虽然37%的高素质妇女自愿离职,但93%的自动离职妇女想回去工作。

    A 2005 Harvard Business Review study called " The Hidden Brain Drain " showed that 37 per cent of highly-qualified women take voluntary time off work but 93 per cent of the women " off-ramped " want to return .

  27. 这篇研究论文刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)上,加德纳在文中总结道,如果专才们能够跨越自己的专业领域通力合作,他们的雇主能“赚取更高的利润,增强客户忠诚度,获得竞争优势”。

    Summarising the work in the latest Harvard Business Review , she writes that when specialists work together across their areas of expertise , their employers " earn higher margins , inspire greater client loyalty and gain a competitive edge . "

  28. 在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)去年发表的一份调查报告中,生物学家克里斯托弗•兰德尔发现,早晨精力最充沛的人更能明确自己的长期目标,更有把握实现自己的目标。

    As part of research published last year by Harvard Business Review , biologist Christoph Randler found that people who were most energetic in the mornings were more likely to identify long-range goals for themselves and feel in charge of making things happen .

  29. 此前,《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)于去年公布的研究表明,最不开心的员工并非那些“绩效评分糟糕或是能力不足的人——培训、教育背景或工作经验不足的人”。

    This follows research published in Harvard Business Review last year that said the most unhappy staff were not those " with poor performance ratings or the ones in over their heads - people with inadequate training , education , or experience for the job . "

  30. 这份英国报告,其实是美国CTI的一份类似研究的后续。这份研究的名称为《后台效应》,去年在期刊《哈佛商业评论》上出版。

    The British report is a follow-on from a similar study by the CTI on America , " The Sponsor Effect , " published last year by the Harvard Business Review .