
  • 网络chinese enterprises;China enterprise
  1. 去年秋末,我就这个问题接受了《中国企业报》(ChinaEnterpriseNews)一位记者的采访。

    In the late fall I gave an interview to a reporter from the China Enterprise News ( CEN ) on this question .

  2. ERP、敏捷制造和中国企业发展

    ERP , Agile Manufacturing and Development of China Enterprise

  3. 对此,外资企业有要求,中国企业更有要求。

    Stronger IPR protection is the requirement of foreign enterprises , and even more so of Chinese enterprises .

  4. 中方反对滥用贸易救济措施的行为,这不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害世贸组织规则的严肃性与权威性。

    China took the move in hope of safeguarding the legitimate rights of Chinese enterprises , as well as to support the multilateral trading system and the authority and effectiveness of the WTO .

  5. 这种滥用国家安全、动用国家力量打压中国企业的做法不符合市场规则,违背市场逻辑,不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害包括美国在内各国投资者的利益,将严重削弱各方对美国资本市场的信心。

    The United States ' act of abusing national security to suppress Chinese enterprises is inconsistent with market rules and goes against the logic from other countries , including the United States , said the spokesperson , adding that it will seriously weaken the confidence of all parties in the US capital market .

  6. WTO与中国企业适世的文化思考

    WTO and Culturally Thinking about Chinese Enterprises ' Adaption to WTO

  7. WTO之后中国企业品牌全球化营销研究

    Study on Chinese Enterprise Brand Globalization Marketing after Entering into WTO

  8. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  9. 加入WTO后,中国企业面临着创新体系、运行机制、法律法规三个方面的不适应。

    Innovation system , running mechanism and laws and rules .

  10. 加入WTO,中国企业按照全球化的游戏规则来参与竞争。

    With the affiliation to WTO , Chinese business enterprises must participate in competition according to rules of globalization .

  11. 加入WTO使中国企业面临的将是更加多变的市场环境和更加激烈的市场竞争。

    With China joins the WTO , the Chinese enterprises will face the more changeable market environment and keen competition .

  12. 特别是自我国加入WTO以后,我国船代企业的数量增幅很大。入围500大:中国企业的光荣与梦想

    The quantity of vessel - agency enterprises increased obviously after China 's entry into WTO . Entry into Fortune 500

  13. 中国企业如何从管理理念的高度架构CRM

    How to Construct Management Platform from the Management Concept for Chinese Enterprise 's CRM

  14. EDI技术与中国企业的国际化策略

    EDI Technique and the Tactics for Chinese Enterprises ' Internationalization

  15. 加入WTO的中国企业如何应对到来的机遇与挑战,在激烈的竞争中生存和发展?

    With WTO entry , the china 's enterprises how to face the chances and challenge and how to live and develop in the fury competition ?

  16. 当前,中国企业面临的主要问题之一就是如何在经营中遵守国际惯例,符合WTO的原则?

    One of the issues the Chinese companies are facing at the moment is to comply with international standards and rules and WTO principles in business activities .

  17. 因此在对其进行的研究中,除了借鉴国外已有的并购和FDI理论外,更重要的是立足于中国企业发展的现状,结合国内外环境进行分析研究。

    So we must base on the situation of Chinese enterprise , unifies the domestic and foreign environment to conduct the analysis research .

  18. 对于已经加入WTO的中国企业而言,越来越激烈的市场竞争是我们认识到,过去被忽视的采购管理也可以成为企业的一个重要的竞争武器。

    Since entered WTO , more and more furious market competition makes Chinese enterprises aware that purchasing management what used to be ignored can also be an important instrument to compete .

  19. MBO即管理层收购(Managementbuy&outs)这一现象,正在引起企业界的广泛关注,并可能成为中国企业产权改造的主流性重组手段。

    MBO ( Management Buy - outs ) is now causing extensive concern of the business enterprise field and may become the main reorganization means of the Chinese business enterprise in industry produces .

  20. SA8000认证与中国企业发展

    SA8000 Certification and Chinese Enterprise Development

  21. 在收购AIG旗下的飞机租赁公司之后,一个中国企业财团将获得1000多架飞机的控制权。

    With the deal for AIG 's aircraft leasing unit , a group of Chinese companies will gain control of a network of more than 1,000 aircraft .

  22. 不过,少数中国企业正移师印度,包括中国最大的工程机械制造商之一三一重工(SanyHeavyMachinery),该公司去年在印度西部城市普纳投入运营。

    But a trickle of players are moving in , including Sany Heavy Machinery , one of China 's largest construction equipment makers , which began operations in the western city of Pune last year .

  23. 本文对中国企业的境外筹资环境进行了分析,比较了各类ADR方式的特点,提出企业应根据ADR方式的特点、自身的发展以及外部环境,选择合适的境外上市方式筹资。

    Through the analysis and comparison to the characteristics of ADR , this paper holds that enterprises should choose suitable types of overseas financing instruments according to the features of ADR , their development and environments .

  24. 相比之下,赛维LDK可以作为国际投资者的一个积极测试案例,此前他们对中国企业如何重组一无所知,也不知道是否能找到一个让国内外债权人都满意的清盘方案。

    In contrast , LDK serves as a positive test case for international investors , who previously had no idea how a Chinese restructuring might work , or if a successful resolution could be found that would please both onshore and offshore creditors .

  25. 本文借助事项会计理论提出了基于IT整合中国企业核算系统的构想,给出了企业核算一体化系统(EAUS)的框架模型和数据采集原则。

    Based on event research method in accounting , a construct using IT is proposed to integrate Chinese enterprise accounting system , then a framework model of enterprise accounting unification system ( EAUS ) and the data collection principle are put forward .

  26. 中国企业投资东盟的制约因素与应对策略

    China enterprise investing East Union 's restricting factor and countermeasures Strategy

  27. 经济全球化视角下的中国企业工资形成机制研究

    The Chinese Enterprises Salary Determination Mechanism under the Economic Globalization Perspective

  28. 航空收益管理及对中国企业的启示

    Airline Revenue Management : A Signal to Other Business in China

  29. 中国企业开拓市场的品牌策略

    The Strategy of Chinese Enterprises to Explore the Market of Brand

  30. 中国企业人力资源管理背景、现状及对策分析

    Analysis of the Setting , Actuality and Countermeasure on Chinese Enterprise