
  1. 中国高校科技企业规范的研究

    An Analysis on Chinese Tertiary Education Science & Technology Enterprise

  2. 中国高校科技投入与专利申请状况对比分析

    Comparative Analysis between Sci . & Tech. Investment and Patent Application in University

  3. 中国高校科技创新发展轨迹与模式的实证分析

    An empirical study on evolving trace and development patterns of China universities research systems

  4. 对中国高校科技人才资源开发对策的探讨

    On Developing the Resources of Qualified Technical Personnel in Universities and Colleges of Our Country

  5. 本项研究旨在解释这一现象并观察其演变趋势,从而把握其发展变化的内在规律和规范中国高校科技企业的发展。

    To analyze why there exists tertiary education science and technology enterprise and what the trend is .

  6. 综合指数评价法与科技文献计量指标&中国高校科技文献统计比较

    Composite index Evaluation Method and Bibliometric Index of S T Documents Statistical Comparison of S T Documents in High Institutions

  7. 如何从管理体制和运行机制上,对科研活动实现有效的引导和调控,是创建中国高校科技创新体系的核心任务。

    The key tasks are how to guide and regulate the scientific research activities under the management systems and operating mechanisms .

  8. 中国高校科技创新能力的历史与现状历史学硕士生科研创新能力培养的几个关键环节

    The Historical Changes and Current Situation of the Innovation Capacity in Science and Technology in the Chinese Universities ; Key Factors in Cultivating History postgraduates ' Scientific Research Innovation Ability

  9. 中国医学高校学报科技论文研究

    Research of Technological Article Related to the Journals of Chinese Medical College

  10. 科技创新是开展知识产权竞争的基础,中国高校作为国家科技创新的重要力量,在国家知识产权战略中占有重要地位。

    The basement of IP competition is innovation , universities are main source of innovation play an important role in national IP strategy .

  11. 在绩效定量评价中采用5项评价指标,不仅可以为中国高校发表的科技论文定量评价排序,而且为综合分析创造条件。

    Applying five evaluation index in the quantitative evaluation of performance can do quantitative ( evaluation ) and give a taxis to the papers published by the college or university in china and also contributes to the complex analysis .

  12. 论我国科技期刊与国际接轨中国入世后高校科技期刊的国际化及其与国际接轨

    Discussion on Chinese Sci-Tech Periodicals Joined International Track

  13. 中国高校直接投资兴办科技企业,既是世界高等教育历史也是世界高新技术产业历史上一个比较独特的现象。

    This dissertation is a theoretical and empirical economic study on Chinese tertiary education science and technology enterprise , the unique phenomena in the history of both world higher education and high-tech industry .