
  1. 看一看中国的道路上,你能看到英国的捷豹、路虎汽车。

    Look at China 's roads and you 'll see Jaguars , Land Rovers .

  2. 中国的道路及其他基础设施也足以令许多发展中国家心生羡慕。

    China also boasts roads and other infrastructure that are superior to many other developing countries .

  3. 每年,都有数十万辆新生产的重型卡车和工程车辆驶上中国的道路。

    Every year , hundreds of thousands of new heavy trucks and engineering vehicles get onto Chinese roads .

  4. 同时,作为一个西方人,麦嘉湖不可避免地存在许多缺陷,使他的诸多理念和认识自相矛盾,他的基督教拯救中国的道路也根本行不通。

    Meanwhile , as a Englishman , Macgowan unavoidably has many limitations , which made his many knowledge and cognitions self-contradictory , his way of " Christ Saved China " is also impracticable .

  5. 品牌营销专家说,日本品牌重回中国的道路因中国社交媒体服务的兴起而变得更加困难。中国社交媒体网站使反日活动人士团结中国消费者的能力增强。

    Branding experts say the road back for Japanese brands has been complicated by the rise of social-media services in China , which have given anti-Japanese activists greater ability to rally Chinese consumers .

  6. 论文的研究成果主要体现在:(1)对美国与中国的道路货运进行了对比分析,系统研究了道路货物运输发展的基本特征。

    The research achievements of the thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) Through the comparison analysis of road freightage development between the United States and our country , characteristics of road freight transportation are researched theoretically .

  7. 百度正与宝马合作,目标是在三年内让无人驾驶汽车开上中国的道路。百度已在中国数个城市争取到地方政府对试点项目的支持。

    Baidu , which is working with BMW with the goal of getting autonomous vehicles on to China 's roads within three years , has secured local government support in the development of pilot projects in several Chinese cities .

  8. ASIA为支持中国山区的道路项目,将会为这类项目提供特别支持,敬请垂询!

    PTH-ASIA now provides special service and support for mountain road projects , please contact for detailed information .

  9. 新中国的现代化道路是一种理性选择

    China 's Road Leading to Modernization Is a Kind of Theoretical Choice

  10. 中国减排的道路上也存在风险。

    There are risks on the path to lower emissions .

  11. 中国的现代化道路面临着现代化与生态环境的尖锐矛盾。

    China 's modernization way is in face of the contradictions of ecological environment .

  12. 中国工业化的道路是以城市化不平衡发展为代价的,导致产业结构与就业结构极不平衡。

    Chinese industrialization way takes the price of urbanization disequilibrium between industrial and structure .

  13. 论党的基本路线与中国的现代化道路

    Party 's route and Chinese modernized road

  14. 这中间,中国走的道路很曲折,有顺利发展的时期,也有遭受挫折的时期。

    During that time China has followed a tortuous road with alternating periods of smooth development and setbacks .

  15. 我们需要有中国特色的道路。我们需要支持我们自己的企业。

    What we need is a distinctly Chinese way . ? We need to support our own companies .

  16. 中国法治的道路也包含了民间调节这种明显具有礼治色彩的方法。

    The rule of law in China the road also contains the civil regulation of this obvious rite color method .

  17. 由中国建造的道路,电信,堤坝和建筑物的大部分,包括新的非洲联盟总部。

    Most of the roads , telecoms , dams and buildings including the new African Union headquarters are built by china .

  18. 本文的主旨是从生态文明的角度重新审视中国的现代化道路。

    The purpose of this thesis is to examine again the road to modernization of China in view of ecological civilization .

  19. 中钢这桩交易不仅是个罕见的案例,而且其成功可能阻碍、而非扫清后继中国买家的道路。

    Not only was Sinosteel an unusual case , but its success may end up blocking rather than clearing the path for subsequent Chinese buyers .

  20. 为探寻中国新的道路奠定了坚实的基础,也为中国持续、和谐地发展提供了理论保障。

    It establish a stable base for searching after a new road of China , offers a theoretic guarantee for coordination development of society as well .

  21. 在工业方面,虽然中国前进的道路仍很漫长,步伐还可以再加快一些,但它现在的改变就已经很快,而且方向正确。

    On the industrial front , China is changing fast and in the right direction , even if it has far to go and could go faster .

  22. 本文从分权式改革的视角提供了一个自洽的逻辑框架,全面地分析了中国的发展道路。对炉内传热则采用一维区域模型。

    This paper provides a coherent framework to fully account for China 's development model , both the successes and the failures of the China 's decentralization approach to reform .

  23. 认为中国的现代化道路属于外源的现代化类型,各种社会矛盾和动荡的发生是集中的、急速的、大幅度的,经历的曲折与反复较多。

    The author considers that the type of Chinese modernization belongs to outside-source type , every kind of social contradict is concentrated , rapid and significant with more turbulent occurrence , turns and twists .

  24. 中国的发展道路、根本任务、对外政策和历史文化传统,决定中国必然实行防御性的国防政策。

    The pursuit of a national defense policy which is defensive in nature is determined by China 's development path , its fundamental aims , its foreign policy , and its historical and cultural traditions .

  25. 他研究清代学术史是为了探索中国革命的道路,写出中国历史发展的规律性,表现出对现实的深深关注。

    He studies the scholarship history of Qing dynasty in order to seek the road of Chinese revolution and write the rules of the development of Chinese history , which shows his deep concern towards the reality .

  26. 实践证明:这些系统不仅不适应中国的混合道路交通情况,在连续流与间断流的协调控制、公共汽车交通优先控制方面也存在问题,更难以适应于中国城市发展智能交通系统(ITS)的需要。

    On development of advanced urban traffic control system in China , the traffic real - time adaptive control and management system is a good candidate and it is suggested that such a system should be integrated in ITS .

  27. 由于全球化已成为人类社会发展的必然趋势,所以中国的现代化道路必须走出自己的特色,才能真正取得成功,真正融入全球化的进程中。

    Because globalization has already become the inevitable trend of human social development , the modernized road of China must go out of its own characteristic , so as to really achieve success , and really incorporate it in the process of globalizing .

  28. 本文以传统文化赋予竹子的内在涵义为基础,以满足现代人精神需要为目标,分析竹制家具的优势所在,并积极探索一条振兴中国设计的道路。

    On the basis of putting the intrinsic meaning to bamboo by traditional culture , in the view of meeting the pneuma need of modem , the paper has analyzed the advantage of bamboo furniture , and probed into a way of promoting the Chinese design .

  29. kang补充道,尽管初始额度不高,不会对韩国央行实现资产多样化起到什么作用,但这张牌照将为今后加大对中国的投资铺平道路。

    While the small initial quota would not help the central bank diversify its assets much , the licence would pave the way for greater investment in China in the future , added Mr Kang .

  30. 我们要在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上继续前进。

    We shall push ahead along the road to Chinese-style socialism .