
  • 网络Chinese drama;Chinese opera;Chinese theatre;THE CHINESE THEATER
  1. 京剧在国外是最受欢迎的中国戏剧形式。

    Beijing Opera is the best-known form of Chinese opera abroad .

  2. 许多人都在努力复兴中国戏剧。

    Many people are making efforts to revive Chinese opera .

  3. 中国戏剧在现代化进程中的变化与发展

    The Change and Development of Chinese Dramas in the Modernization Process

  4. 这是中国戏剧史上的第一次对外国际交流,比起1919年梅兰芳第一次率团访日演出还要早五年。

    It is the first international exchange in Chinese drama history .

  5. 中国戏剧为何迟至宋代方能形成,原因是多方面的。

    Chinese drama took shape as late as the Song Dynasty .

  6. 早期话剧:中国戏剧现代转型的序幕

    Early Modern Drama : The Prologue to the Modernization of Chinese Theatre

  7. 汉画与中国戏剧的起源

    The Painting in Han Dynasty and Origination of Chinese Dram

  8. 布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种“双向互动”的关系。

    There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht and Chinese drama .

  9. 京剧是中国戏剧舞台一门综合性的表演艺术。

    Beijing opera is an integrated performing art on the Chinese stage .

  10. 中国戏剧的失语,有着深刻的历史、文化原因。

    There were lots of bone-deep historical and cultural reasons .

  11. 写实:中国戏剧现代化的双刃剑

    Realism : the Dual Nature for Chinese Modern Drama

  12. 中国戏剧的近代转型与日本新剧之关系

    The Relationship Between the Modern Transition of China Drama and Japan New Drama

  13. 试论中国戏剧形态对印度文化因素的兼容与吸收

    My View about How Chinese Operas Have Absorbed and Assimilated the Indian Culture

  14. 中国戏剧晚成原因探析

    A Probe into the Late Formation of Chinese Drama

  15. 当代中国戏剧的人文关怀精神

    The human-caring spirit of the modern drams in China

  16. 中国戏剧会话分析与对外汉语教学&从话轮转换角度解读《雷雨》的人物关系

    The Character Relationships in Thunderstorm : An Interpretation from the Conversational Analysis Perspective

  17. 在湖北流行的中国戏剧有汉剧和楚剧。

    Types of traditional Chinese opera popular in Hubei include Hanju and Chuju .

  18. 四是日本新剧化妆演讲方式促使中国戏剧开始由娱乐游戏向社会启蒙、由写意向写实的转型。

    Fourthly , Japanese new drama gave enlightenment and realism to Chinese drama .

  19. 20世纪以前中国戏剧起源与形成问题述略

    Tracing the origin and formation of the Chinese drama

  20. 中国戏剧近百年来经历了两次重大变化。

    The Chinese operas have undergone two important changes for the last hundred years .

  21. 以开放的心态从事中国戏剧史研究

    Being Open-minded in the Research of Chinese Theatre

  22. 20世纪后半叶的中国戏剧研究

    A review on studies of Chinese opera in the second half of 20th century

  23. 希望通过这种差距的寻找和追问,借助异体关照对比的方式促使中国戏剧乃至中国文化发生深刻变化。

    I hope the Chinese theatre even the Chinese culture will have profound changes .

  24. 这是中国戏剧的前身。

    This is the predecessor of Chinese drama .

  25. 元代杂剧勃兴,为中国戏剧之第一黄金时代。

    Yuan drama flourished , becoming the first golden age in Chinese drama history .

  26. 中国戏剧美学与中国哲学

    The aesthetics of Chinese Drama and Chinese philosophy

  27. 试论中国戏剧传统中的仪式要素

    On Ceremony Element in Traditional Chinese Opera

  28. 第四届中国戏剧节精彩纷呈

    Chengdu Hosts the 4th China Drama Festival

  29. 三是日本新剧的悲剧展开方式,促使中国戏剧开始突破传统的大团圆模式,使悲剧成为近代以后中国戏剧的主要样式;

    Thirdly , Japanese new dramas help to break old reunion model of Chinese drama .

  30. 曹禺早期剧作现实主义的独特性写实:中国戏剧现代化的双刃剑

    Realism in Cao Yu 's Early Drama Realism : the Dual Nature for Chinese Modern Drama