
  • 网络anthropological archaeology;Archaeological Anthropology;archeological anthropology
  1. 参观考古与人类学博物馆绝对是一场视觉与思想的盛宴。

    Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology offers a feast of images and ideas .

  2. 剑桥大学就共有7座这样的博物馆——费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普科学历史博物馆、塞德威克地球科学博物馆、史考特北极研究所博物馆等。

    In the University of Cambridge , there are altogether seven such museums-Fitzwilliam Museum , Museum of Archaeology1 and Anthropology2 , Museum of Zoology3 , Museum of Classical Archaeology , Whipple Museum of the History of Science , The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences , Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute .

  3. 教育史研究要坚持三条腿的研究方法,即运用历史文献、考古资料和人类学方法来进行教育史研究。

    The research on history of education must rely on the three methods , that is , historical documents , archeological resources and anthropological method .