
  • 网络GCT Online
  1. 你也许对某外经贸考试网些产品感兴趣。

    You may be interested in only some of the items .

  2. 中华考试网贝瑞特教授说调查结果与社会脑理论相符,该理论认为人类杏仁核的进化是为了应对愈来愈复杂的社交世界。

    She said they were consistent with the social brain theory , which suggests the human amygdala evolved to deal with an increasingly complex social world .

  3. 这样的决定源于国际航协的改革要求:中华考试网收藏到2007年底,国际航协下的261家航空公司需全部取消纸质机票。

    The decision is in line with an International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) move that requires its261 member airlines to abandon paper tickets by the end of2007 .

  4. 有爱,也有恨的时候;来源:考试大网。

    A time to love and a time to hate ;

  5. 我觉得有潜力晋升的员工处于不利地位,因为竞争那些高薪厚职的人太多了。本文来源:考试大网。

    I feel that employees who have potential to move up from their current roles are at a disadvantage with so many people vying for those plum positions .

  6. 如欲咨询考务信息,请致电考试中心托福网考全国服务热线:86-10-62798822。

    For more administration information , please contact the NEEA call center at86-10-62798822 .

  7. 其他类型的考试是文化之网中的一种社会存在,也必然体现国家意志。

    There are many other kinds of examinations in society cultural hack-ground , so they must also embody the state 's ideology .

  8. 考生申请成功后可以立即在线支付考试费用,也可以稍后通过北语考试网申请系统上的“网上支付”按钮进行支付。

    Applicants may pay the fees immediately after their application is completed , or pay the fees later by clicking the " on-line payment " button of the registration system .