
kǎo diǎn
  • examination place
  1. 设在贵阳护理职业学院的贵阳考点,应试人员认真作答,考场秩序井然。

    Is located in the Guiyang Nursing profession Institute 's Guiyang examination site , the taking an exam personnel answers earnestly , the examination place is orderly .

  2. 要切实加强对考场、考点环境的全面消杀,考试结束后,应对在隔离考场、备用考点(考场)考试的考生答卷进行消杀后再回收;

    Disinfection should be carried out thoroughly at exam sites , and test papers from isolated exam rooms should be disinfected after the exam .

  3. 考点工作人员将现场为您分配一台PC,您将在那台PC上通过标准化的多选题界面进行考试。

    They 'll assign you a PC onsite , where you 'll take the test using a standardized multiple-choice interface .

  4. 雪耻考点revengeoneselfon向…报仇美剧风采看起来很神奇吧,并不是所有人都成天想着报仇。

    And incredible as it may seem , not everyone spends their lives trying to plot revenge .

  5. CET-4词汇和语法结构中虚拟语气考点归纳及应试对策

    Conclusion of the Testing Points of Subjunctive Mood in CET-4 & Their Countermeasures

  6. 同样,在世界各地的其他现行GRE考点的报名工作将继续进行。

    Likewise , registrations for the current GRE General Test will continue elsewhere .

  7. 取消新GRE考试改革的主要原因是由于新GRE考试的考点有限,能够保证参加考试的考生数量不足。

    The primary reason for cancelling the launch of the revised GRE General Test was test taker access .

  8. n.间隔;间距;幕间休息考点atintervals时时,不时;相隔一定距离(或时间)intheintervals不一会儿,不�

    inter = between val = wall a period between two events or times , or the space between two points a short period between the parts of a performance or a sports event

  9. 网上注册和付费完成后,考生必须在指定时间(详见IELTS专栏)到考点交验申请表、身份证以及领取准考证。

    Candidates who have successfully registered in the way described must come to the test center in time ( see the IELTS page for details ) to proceed with the formalities .

  10. 其次,根据在线考试系统的安全需求,详细分析和设计了一个基于PC摄像头的考试监控系统,包括摄像头图像捕捉、屏幕图像获取、考点监控管理以及考试过后的试卷和图像查询等功能模块。

    Secondly , according to the security needs of online examination system , provide a detailed analysis and design of a PC-camera-based exam-monitoring system , including camera image capture , screen sectional drawing , monitoring management of point , and papers and images inquiries function module after the examination .

  11. 成都准星云学科技有限公司的CEO林辉表示,这个机器人可以学习小学到高中的7000多个考点,并且拥有庞大的知识储备库,可以每日完成十套数学试卷。

    Lin Hui , CEO of the developing company , said the program can understand more than 7000 concepts ranging from those in elementary to high school education . With a huge knowledge database , the program can now finishes about 10 math tests a day .

  12. 他说他们准备关闭欧洲的6个考点,还说这样做不会影响我们,威尔逊说。12月7日,ETS的项目主管和首席财务官亲自登门,跟我商量这件事。

    He said they were closing six test sites in Europe and it wouldn 't affect me , says Wilson . On Dec. 7 , the head of the program and the CFO would come and talk to me about it .

  13. 一条线报把调查人员引向了这个团伙的头目、华裔男子徐路(音译)。马里兰州哥伦比亚市一个考点的摄像头拍摄到了他的可疑行为,而这个地方距离位于弗吉尼亚州泰森斯角的GMAC总部并不算远。

    A tip led investigators to the ringleader , Chinese-born Lu Xu , who was filmed on camera at a test center in Columbia , Md. , not far from GMAC 's headquarters in Tysons Corner , Va.

  14. vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有vi.怀孕;设想;考虑考点conceiveof设想;

    conceive receive con = com = toghther 1to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way 2 to think of a new idea , plan etc and develop it in your mind : 3 to become pregnant :

  15. 请向考点电话咨询成绩到达情况。

    Please telephone your test center for availability of your scores .

  16. 最近的雅思考点在广州和深圳。

    The nearest IELTS testing centers are in Guangzhou and Shenzhen .

  17. 我们猜了几个重要的考点,并且编辑了几道问题。

    We guessed several important testing points and edited several questions .

  18. 高考英语完形填空的考点效度分析

    Analysis of Testing-Point Validity of Cloze in English Test of College Entrance Examination

  19. 新形势下《数学分析》课程教考点分析

    Analysis in Teaching and Exam of Maths Analysis

  20. 在此你可以找到考点信息。

    You can find all the details here .

  21. 请在您约定的考试时间携带两种形式的照片身份证明前往考点参加考试。

    Show up at your scheduled exam time with two forms of picture identification .

  22. 一种用于全国计算机等级考试机试考点的网络系统集成方案

    A Network System Integrating Method for Computer-based Testing Center of National Computer Rank Examination

  23. 河北省计算机一级考试上机操作题考点总结与分析

    Review and Analysis of Operating Examination Points in Hebei Province Computer Test Band 1

  24. 113个国家的600多个考点全年无休地进行这项考试。

    The test is offered year round at more than 600 sites in 113 countries .

  25. 考点考试系统及设备集成策略

    Exam System and Equipment Integration Strategy

  26. 如果申请人有特殊要求,也可向考点提出。

    If the applicant has the special request , may also propose to the examination site .

  27. 考点阻止某人做某事

    to hinder someone from doing something

  28. 高考外语听力考点电子环境的检测与改善

    The monitoring improvement of the electronic environment in the examination places of the English Listening Entrance Examination

  29. 你可以致电、传真或写信给各考点索取更多信息。

    You can phone , fax , send a letter and they will tell you the details .

  30. 改革之后,交际文化考点在试题中所占的比例一直在增加。

    After the reform , the test items of culture of communication are increasing in CET 4 .