
  • 网络exam week;exam period;exam week/period
  1. 本周是考试周,芝大以艰苦著称的学习生活显露无遗。

    It is exam week and the famed Chicago rigour is in full evidence .

  2. 每逢考试周,他总是尽多地死记硬背。

    He always tries to cram as much information into his brain as possible during exam week .

  3. 考试周又迫在眉睫。

    Examination week is looming ahead again .

  4. 在考试周,你是不是常常熬夜、死记硬背?

    Are your exam weeks all about staying up late , learning textbooks by rote ?

  5. 英国一所大学在学生为考试周做准备时为学生提供了一种急需的解压方式。

    Students at a British university were treated to some much-needed stress relief as they prepare for exam week .

  6. 一旦睡眠不足,你考试周期间的所有学习都将功亏一篑。

    All of that studying during finals week will be for nothing if you don 't get enough sleep .

  7. 期末考试周前的一个下午,疲惫而惶惑的学生们陆续走进了心理咨询中心。

    The other afternoon , just before finals week , students , tired and apprehensive , trickled into the center .

  8. 考试周关于饮食最重要的建议就是:该吃吃,该喝喝。

    The most important thing to remember about eating and drinking is to do just that : eat and drink .

  9. 我们在相同的几个考试周里忙着参加考试,在12月底和5月底的时候一起放松。

    We take our exams during the same busy weeks and experience similar relief at the end of December and May .

  10. 为了让大家活力满满地度过考试周,下面这些关于衣食睡眠的小贴士一定不能错过!

    Here are some tips on dieting , dressing and sleeping you can follow to stay energized as you wrangle your finals .

  11. 把灯调暗,带上耳塞,或是放一些有助睡眠的背景音乐,让你的身体在考试周的重压下得到充分休息。

    Dim the lights , put in some earplugs , or throw on some background music to help yourself fall asleep and give your body a soothing respite from the stress of finals week .

  12. 考试周对谁都不是件容易的事:一杯又一杯地喝咖啡只为熬夜临时抱佛脚,身体上早已筋疲力尽,更别提考试的精神压力了。

    No one ever said finals week is easy . Late-night cramming accompanied by cup after cup of coffee can take its toll on your body , not to mention all of the test stress .

  13. 就算在考试周,稍加打扮也无妨,比如速速戴个耳环或是项链,关键是保持舒适和随意即可。

    During finals week , it doesn 't hurt to dress things up a little bit and throw on a pair of earrings or a bracelet , but the most important thing is to stay casual and comfortable .

  14. 他表示,周一下午删除相关声明是因为那个时间是学院的考试周,学校网站流量过大导致许多学生没法在网上查询考试地点。

    He said it was taken down Monday afternoon because that time is an exam period at the college , and the heavy traffic on the school 's website was preventing many students from finding their exam locations online .

  15. 她通过驾驶考试一周后就把她母亲的汽车撞损了。

    She pranged her mother 's car a week after she passed her driving test .

  16. 保持节奏,我们周二将有场考试,周测。

    And just to keep the rhythm going , we will have a test on Tuesday , the weekly quiz .

  17. 取全部神经类型强型者与弱型者,分别在生理实验时及考试2周后安静时,测量血压和心率。

    All the strong and the weak types were taken from them and their blood pressure and heart rate were measured in the physiological experiment and when they were quiet two weeks after test .

  18. 于考试前2周,考试前1天及下学期考试前1天,分别进行HAMA及SAS量表评定。

    HAMA and SAS scales were assessed on 2 weeks , 1 d before exam and 1 d before exam in the next semester .

  19. 考试前4周和考试当天早晨7:30完成第一、二次唾液标本采集,测定其考试应激前后唾液分泌型IgA、皮质醇值;

    Four weeks before the exam and at 7 : 30 am on the day of exam , the first and second saliva specimens were collected respectively to determine salivary secretory IgA and cortisol before and after exam stress .

  20. 离考试只有一周多的时间了。

    There is one more week left before the exam begins .

  21. 我赞成将考试延期一周。

    I 'm for putting the exam off a week .

  22. 临近考试大约一周的时候,停止准备工作。

    End preparing for exams about one week before .

  23. 波比,休息一下吧,考试还有一周呢

    Bobie , you * * * test 's until like a week .

  24. 无论名额是否报满,考试前3周自动停止受理报名。

    Registration Deadline : the quota used up or3 week before each examination .

  25. 他说:考试前几周,我开始做在线模拟试题。

    Weeks before the real exam , I started to do simulation exams online .

  26. 只是气氛有点沉闷,实际上我在那住了大半个学期都没出什么事情,只是在期末考试前两周的时候出了点麻烦。

    The atmosphere was dull at best and I actually inhabited the room for the better part of the semester without incident until two weeks before finals .

  27. 期末考试定在考试周期间。

    The final exam will be during the exam period .

  28. 这门课没有考试,期末考周也没有任何到期缴交的功课。

    There will be no exams , and nothing will be due during finals week .

  29. 当被告诉离期末考试不到一周时间时,学生们很恐慌。

    The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away .

  30. 期末考试后的一两周内我虽然无忧无虑,但不容置疑的是,我很快就得面临找工作的问题。

    As free as the air , but of course I soon had to face the problem of .