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  1. 他是威斯康辛州阿普尔顿劳伦斯大学的历史助理教授。

    He is an Associate Professor of History at Lawrence University in Appleton , Wisconsin .

  2. 64岁的州立农业保险公司(StateFarmInsurance)CEO爱德华•鲁斯特,在伊利诺伊上高中时做过摔角手,后来曾代表劳伦斯大学(LawrenceUniversity)与伊利诺伊卫斯理大学(IllinoisWesleyan)参加比赛。

    State Farm Insurance CEO Edward Rust , 64 , spent four years wrestling in high school in Illinois before competing in college at both Lawrence Univeristy and Illinois Wesleyan .

  3. 沙拉劳伦斯大学&今年沙拉劳伦斯大学继续蝉联了榜单的第一名,在劳伦斯大学一年的开销是5.5788万美元。

    Sarah Lawrence takes the most expensive crown for another year , topping our list with a total bill of $ 55,788 .

  4. 你也许不知道最先创作的是哪首歌,但有种算法就能做到,该算法是美国密歇根劳伦斯理工大学的研究人员发明的。

    You may not know which came first , but researchers from Lawrence Technological University in Michigan created an algorithm that does .

  5. 研究报告的作者之一、密歇根劳伦斯理工大学的利奥尔·沙米尔说:“歌词情绪的变化未必反映了音乐人和词作者想要表达的内容,而更多的是与音乐消费者每年想听什么有关。”

    Study co-author Lior Shamir , of Lawrence Technological University in Michigan , said : ' The change in lyrics sentiments does not necessarily reflect what the musicians and songwriters wanted to express , but is more related to what music consumers wanted to listen to in each year . '