
  • 网络Rolls-Royce Ghost;GHOST
  1. 年轻人喜欢自驾去高尔夫球场,穆勒乌特弗斯表示。他补充道,劳斯莱斯古思特(Ghost)10%的驾驶者为女性&古思特车型较小、价格更低。

    The young ones like to drive themselves to the golf course , he says , adding that 10 per cent of drivers of the Rolls-Royce Ghost ( a smaller , cheaper Rolls ) are women .

  2. 上个月,劳斯莱斯为古思特车型发布了一款i-phone应用软件,可以为有购车意向者播放一段影片,并允许他们选择颜色和其它功能,来设计他们自己的汽车。

    The brand last month released an I-phone " app " for the ghost that shows potential buyers a film and allows them to select colours and other features to design their own car .