
  1. 生均经费递增法&保障基础教育财政性经费投入的一种设想

    The Supposition of Protecting the Investment of Basic Education Financial Funds

  2. 这意味着生均经费支出总水平不能有太大的差异。

    In other words , there should not be much disparity in the average per student education expenditure .

  3. 实证分析结果表明:以生均经费指标为分析对象,我国义务教育存在着比较严重的不均衡。

    Statistic analyses show by the index of expenditure per student that there exists serious imbalance in our compulsory education .

  4. 普通高等学校的生均经费是衡量各地区教育设施水平较理想的指标。

    The students ' average budget expenditure in institutions of common higher education is an ideal index of measuring facilities level in all kinds of areas .

  5. 综合国内外不同学者的测算方法,笔者在结合实地调研的基础上,测算出小学阶段生均经费标准为1200元,初中阶段生均经费为1500元。

    The author computes the outlay per student is 1200 Yuan for the elementary school and 1500 Yuan for the junior school on the base of investigation and other scholars ' research .

  6. 在时间上,从1995到2002年的观察期内,我国义务教育生均经费指标相对差异在扩大,不均衡的现象在加剧。

    By time ( from 1995 to 2002 ), the relevant difference of the index of EPS of our compulsory education is greater and greater , the phenomenon of imbalance was exacerbating .

  7. 政府在农村学校教学设施的完善,教学质量的提高,学费的免除及补助,学生宿舍的建设,生均经费的保障等诸多方面取得了一定的成绩。

    On the improvement of teaching facilities in rural schools , the improvement of teaching quality , tuition and fee exemptions , subsidies for rural students , the construction of student dormitories and student per capita funding for security and so on , the government has made some achievements .

  8. 义务教育经费投入不足表现为:义务教育财政性投入占GDP的比例偏低、义务教育经费总支出中政府承担的比例偏低、义务教育生均公用经费地区差异明显。

    The insufficiency of compulsory education funds investment displays mainly the following aspects such as an improper ratio between financial investment and GDP , and the area great difference of public funds per students .

  9. 地方普通高等学校生均预算经费的分析

    Analysis of the Students ' Average Budget Expenditure in Institutions of Local Common Higher Education

  10. 城区学校的生均教育经费要高于农村学校,农村学校的负债情况较为多见。

    The funding per student of city school is higher than countryside school , and it is common that the rural school is in debt .

  11. 本文首先从评述计量教育所形成的人力资本的方法出发,指出采用生均教育经费法比较科学;

    From the methods of how to calculate human capital 's stock formed by education , we adopt the per student educational appropriations index to sort out the data .

  12. 抽样调查研究表明,部分地区内部在人均教育经费、教育普及水平、教师工资、生均公用经费、办学条件等五个方面存在巨大差距。

    Samples and investigations indicate that a tremendous intra-regional gap also exists in five respects : per capita education funds , the level of educational popularization , teacher salary , per capita public educational funds and conditions for running a school .

  13. 二级指标共有27个,包括在校生数、毛入学率、生师比、生均公用经费、音体美及仪器设备达标率等指标。

    The level 2 has 27 items including the number of students , gross enrollment rate , teacher & student proportion , public fund per student , the qualification ratio of sports , music , art and teaching equipment , and so on .

  14. 模型的基本思想是,根据各个不同行政区划的生均教育经费的多少及基础教育学生数,给每个区划都分配一个指数,再根据这一指数分配上级政府的教育经费。

    The primary idea of the model is as follows : assign an index number to every region according to its per capita education expenditure and students ' number of basic education , then we can allocate the total funds from the parent government in response to this index number .

  15. 分析了预算内生均高等教育经费与生均专用设备之间存在着正相关关系。

    ⅲ Analyzing positive correlation between of the budget for higher education and unit student special equipment .

  16. 通过对“两个比例、三个增长”的研究发现,“十五”时期大部分省份仅仅实现了生均义务教育经费的逐年增长。

    Through doing research on the two proportion and three increase , it shows that most of the provinces only achieved the annual increase of per-student compulsory educ .

  17. 要制定我省生均财政预算内经费标准,确保卫生职业教育经费投入;

    Our province should work out the budget fund standard for every student and ensure the input of funds ;

  18. 从结构上,研究结论认为:在1998&2004年间,①省级地区间投资失衡最为严重的是生均预算内公用经费;

    Structurally , the research conclusion concludes that , from to 2004 ( 1 ) in provincial level , most seriously unbalanced investment is the public funds per student in budgets ;

  19. 教育经费总量投入不足、初中教育经费负担结构不合理,导致江西省初中教育,尤其是农村初中教育生均教育事业费和生均公用教育经费严重偏低,直接制约了江西省初中教育的良性发展。

    Insufficiency total education fund investment and unreasonable burden structure of junior-middle-school education fund cause lower Jiangxi junior-middle-school education funds , especially rural junior-middle-school education industry cost and public education funds for students , which directly restrict the benign development of Jiangxi junior-middle-school education .