
  • 网络wind tunnel;wind tunnel testing;Wind tunnel test;Wind tunnel experiment
  1. 有侧壁干扰的机翼半模型风洞实验的N-S方程数值模拟

    Navier-Stokes calculation of wind tunnel testing of semispan wing with side-wall interference

  2. 描述一种适用于MAV(microairvehicle)低速风洞实验的模型支架;

    In this paper , a small-size model bracket used in the low-speed wind tunnel experiment of MAV ( micro air vehicle ) is designed .

  3. 一种MAV风洞实验模型支架的设计与应用

    Design and Application of a Small-size Model Bracket Used in Low-speed Wind Tunnel

  4. 同时完成相应的数值模拟,通过数值模拟与风洞实验结果对比,分析表明数值模拟结果可信,将CFD数值模拟技术用在研究客家土楼屋盖风荷载特性上可行。

    Therefore numerical simulation result is credible , and it is feasible to take CFD simulation technology used in the study of Hakka Earth Building wind load characteristics .

  5. 结合烟粒子扩散风洞实验研究了不同Sc数对被动标量扩散的影响。

    The effect of Schmidt number on the turbulent diffusion of passive scalar is studied together with experimental data in wind tunnel with incense as passive scalar .

  6. 高温多相流风洞实验台监控系统下位机采用simaticS7系列PLC,由STEP7软件包开发下位机软件;

    The monitoring and controlling system of high-temperature multiphase-flow wind tunnel adopts SIMATIC S7 PLC , and its software is made with STEP 7 ;

  7. 本文对于U形渡槽槽体结构模型进行了风洞实验研究,得出了U形渡槽槽体结构的风压分布和风载体型系数。

    In this paper , based on wind tunnel test study , the wind pressure distribution and wind load shape coefficient of the aqueduct body structure are obtained in smooth and turbulent flows .

  8. 论文设计了含导流孔的Savonius风轮的风洞实验,通过实验结果与CFD仿真结果进行对比,验证CFD仿真的可靠性。

    Designed the Savonius wind tunnel experiment , the results and the CFD simulation result were compared to verify the reliability of the CFD simulation .

  9. FL-8风洞实验集成管理系统的总体设计

    The Design of FL-8 Wind Tunnel Integrated Test and Management System

  10. 网格湍流CAARC模型风洞实验

    An experiment on a CAARC model in grid turbulent flow

  11. Savonius风力机叶片重叠比的风洞实验研究

    A wind tunnel experimental study on the overlap ratio of Savonius rotors

  12. 结果表明,PIV技术非常适于显示涡流、湍流等复杂的流动结构,是风洞实验中研究流动特性的一种非常有效、准确的方法。

    The results show that the PIV is a credible and accurate method to study the flow characteristics and is suitable to explore the complicated flow structure , such as vortex , turbulence , etc.

  13. 在三层模型的理论范围内,用底层方程数值求解后向台阶和压缩拐角的分离流动问题,得到了与N-S方程数值方法及风洞实验值较一致的结果。

    Numerical results obtained using inner-layer equation for solving the Separating flows over backfacing step and compression corner in range of the triple-deck structure theory are identical with Navier-stokes numerical solution and experiments .

  14. 通过对均匀入流情况下NREL风洞实验风力机的流场和载荷的计算,结果显示该方法与对叶片实体建模的CFD方法有着近似的精度。

    Through simulating flow field and load of NREL experimental wind turbine under uniform inflow condition , the results show this method has approximate accuracy with full CFD method .

  15. 最后,通过多功能环境风洞实验,使用粒子图像测速法(PIV),对不同风速、不同直径输电导线周围的沙粒分布情况进行了实验及分析。

    Finally , with multi-function environmental wind tunnel experiment and particle image velocimetry ( PIV ), experiments and analysis on sand distribution around transmission line are carried out under different velocity , different transmission line diameter .

  16. 选用不同的差分格式(Upwind,Hybrid,Hquick)对城市街道峡谷内部汽车污染物排放浓度进行了预测,并于风洞实验结果对比。

    Different differencing schemes ( Upwind , Hybrid , and Hquick ) were used to predict vehicle exhausted pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon . The predicted results were compared with that of wind tunnel experiment .

  17. 1000kV汉江大跨越塔线体系风洞实验与风振响应分析

    Wind Tunnel Tests and Wind-induced Responses Analysis of 1 000 kV Hanjiang Long Span Transmission Line System

  18. 利用风洞实验技术和数值模拟技术对一种类X-43A高超声速飞行器冷流状态下的全流道流态特征及其气动特性进行研究。

    This paper mainly uses technology of experiment and method of CFD to make an exploration of aerodynamic performance and whole flow characteristics of hypersonic vehicle which is similar to X-43A .

  19. 本文主要介绍了爆轰波驱动技术在激波风洞实验方面的应用。首先,JF-10高焓激波风洞,经过努力成功地实现带扩容腔的变截面氢氧爆轰方式运行。

    This paper is mainly concerned with the oxygen hydrogen detonation driving technique , which is used in JF-10 shock tunnel to explore the high temperature real gas effects on heat transfer .

  20. 水洞实验中,来流速度为20cms、粗糙高度为0.8mm时流态随攻角的变化规律可用来解释风洞实验结果中力矩曲线的分散性。

    In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .

  21. 使用Chapman-Kirk方法以及多项式拟合手段,对靶场试验中所得的BEL测速雷达数据进行处理,得到飞行过程中弹体的阻力系数,将其与风洞实验数据对比,分析飞行过程中系统偏差。

    BEL velocity-measuring radar data obtained in range test is processed using Chapman-Kirk method and polynomial fitting and the rocket drag coefficient in flight is obtained . And then comparing it with wind tunnel data , systematic deviation in flight is analyzed .

  22. 环境风洞实验及其在大气污染研究中的应用

    The Experimentation and Application of Wind Tunnel in Atmospheric Pollution Study

  23. 影响土壤风蚀主要因素的风洞实验研究

    Study on Some Factors Influencing Soil Erosion by Wind Tunnel Experiment

  24. 风洞实验数据的误差及其计算方法

    The error of wind tunnel testing data and its calculating methods

  25. 小不对称体滚动力矩风洞实验研究

    The wind tunnel investigation for obtaining rolling moment with small asymmetry

  26. 昆虫对信息素的行为反应和风洞实验

    Behavioral responses of insect to pheromone and experiment with wind tunnel

  27. 用于风洞实验的磁悬挂技术研究

    An investigation into magnetic suspension techniques applicable to wind tunnel tests

  28. 攻角动态变化的侧压式进气道风洞实验

    Wind tunnel experiment of sidewall compression inlet with adjustable attack angle

  29. 双椭圆形塔楼风荷载特性风洞实验研究

    Wind Tunnel Research on Twin Tower Buildings Both with Elliptic Sections

  30. 风洞实验应变天平元件优化设计

    Optimum design of strain - gauge balance element in wind tunnel