
  • 网络grids
  1. 计入桨叶运动的旋翼CFD网格设计技术

    Grid Generation Technique for Helicopter Rotor CFD Including Blade Motions

  2. 基于FTP协议的校园网格设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of FTP-based Campus-resource Grid

  3. 复杂断块气藏模拟网格设计方法

    Grid Design Method for Simulating Complex Fault & Block Gas Reservoirs

  4. 不同的网格设计产生不同的效果,以下事例供参考。

    Difference design has difference performance , look at the following samples .

  5. 绕翼身组合体高质量网格设计和阻力计算

    High Quality Mesh Design and Drag Computation around Wing-Body Configurations

  6. 中尺度数值模式的自适应网格设计

    The mesh designment of mesoscale model with continuous dynamic grid adaption technique

  7. 人机交互系统的网格设计和计算方法

    Designing and Arithmetic of Grid in Interactive Computer System

  8. 药物发现网格设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Drug Discovery Grid

  9. 因此,电源网格设计的好坏对性能、功耗、面积都有很大的影响。

    So power supply will impact on the performance , power consumption , area prodigious .

  10. 本文讨论了网格设计的原则,并就地垒模型进行了计算。

    In this paper , we describe the principle of designing mesh and experiment on horst model .

  11. 通过在计算网格设计中引入了自适应方法提高了数值解精度。

    An adapted grid method has been incorporated to the above model to improve numerical calculation accuracy .

  12. 本文通过某一具体工程空间网格设计,分析了从方案到施工中的空间网格结构中构件的内力变化,提出了此类结构设计与施工中应特别注意的问题,为工程实践提出有益的参考。

    In this thesis , a serial problem is analyzed through design of a space gird structure from plan to struction .

  13. 为了达到既有效地整合计算资源,又方便用户的安全使用,校园网格设计为三层模型,资源层、网格服务层和用户门户层。

    To achieve both effective integration of resources and the safe use , we designed university computing grid into three-tier model , resource layer , grid services layer and user portal layer .

  14. 该文提出了一个专门为网格设计的开放和通用的资源监测结构,并描述了这个资源监测结构中的资源监测系统的实现。

    The paper presents an open and generic resource monitoring architecture that has been specifically designed for the grid . And it also describes implementation of the resource monitoring system in the resource monitoring architecture .

  15. 电力系统各个环节均具有资源广域分布、计算量大、对计算能力要求高等特点,与网格设计理念有着相辅相成的联系。

    All aspects of power system have characteristics such as a wide resource distribution , large amount of calculation and the high requirements for computing , that has a complementary links with the idea of grid design .

  16. 一种基于拉格朗日多项式的网格RBAC设计

    A Grid RBAC Design Based on Lagrange Polynomial

  17. 基于车牌字符粗网格特征设计BP神经网络分类器,提取车牌字符的全部特征输入到神经网络,提高了字符识别的准确率。

    To advance the recognition rate of the character , choose the feature of rough grid for BP neural networks classifier and input all features of the character pixels into the BP neural networks .

  18. 在该架构的基础上,文章分别从OBS层面、网络层面和网格层面设计了相应的资源调度策略,以最优化网格的总体性能。

    Three resource scheduling strategies for the architecture are accordingly designed from the grid level , network level and OBS network level , respectively .

  19. CYCAD空间网格结构设计软件及其工程应用

    Cycad computer aided design system for space truss structures and Its Applications

  20. 底层采用Globus网格中间件设计并构建一个易于扩展、满足不同应用需求的异构环境系统。

    In the bottom layer , we adopt the gird middleware Globus to design an extensible heterogeneous system , which can satisfy different application requirements .

  21. 引入网格环境设计WG-EAI引擎,以增强集成系统的执行效率和健壮性;

    Then WG-EAI engine which are based on computation grid is introduced to strengthen execution efficiency and robustness .

  22. 通过在实验室节点上对平台进行的功能性测试,结果显示,基于Globus网格平台设计的潮流并行计算系统具有潜在的并行优势和广泛的应用前景。

    The function verification test is performed in the laboratory . The results show that the electric power flow parallel computing system based on Globus grid platform has the potential for distributed parallel computing , and it is prospective .

  23. 介绍了软件预应力网格结构设计PLAS-CAD的主要特点和基本命令,并对软件开发中碰到的一些技术难点及处理办法作了阐述。

    This paper introduces the main specialities , basic functions , and technological methods of software PLAS-CAD ( Prestressed Lattice Structure CAD ) .

  24. 网格协同设计环境中任务调度方法研究

    Research on Task Scheduling Methods of Collaborative Design in Grid Environment

  25. 基于几何质量和后验误差的网格优化设计

    Optimal mesh refinement based on a-posteriori error estimator and geometrical quality

  26. 济南战役纪念馆拉索预应力网格结构设计

    Design of stay prestressed grid structure for Jinan Campaign Memorial Hall

  27. 基于代理的网格中间件设计与策略研究

    Study on the Design and Policies of Grid Middleware Based on Agent

  28. 基于流量控制的视频网格结构设计与性能分析

    Architecture design and performance analysis of video grid based on stream control

  29. 基于抽象状态机的网格系统设计和分析

    Abstract State Machine Based System Design and Analysis for Grids

  30. 拉索预应力空间网格结构设计的几个概念

    Some concepts in the design of pretensioned space lattice structures