
  1. 在客户及媒体参加的阿里巴巴年度网商大会上,过去几年马云曾与美国前总统克林顿(billclinton)、洛杉矶湖人队球星科比(KobeBryant)和演员施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)同台。

    At Alibaba 's annual ' Alifest ' conferences for customers and media , Mr. Ma has in past years shared the stage with former President Bill Clinton , Los Angeles Lakers basketball star Kobe Bryant and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger .

  2. 李连杰在杭州阿里巴巴集团年度网商大会上说,中国是个经济大国,但和美国、韩国和日本相比,中国这个全球人口最多的国家在文化上几乎没有影响力。

    Chinese leaders aren 't the only ones frustrated with the nation 's lack of'soft power'influence & Jet Li is , too , and he wants to do something about it .