
  • 网络Flickr;Picasa Web Albums;Picasa;Web Albums;google Picasa
  1. 合起来,两家公司将拥有超过25个品牌,包括雅虎邮箱,网络相册,汤博乐以及美国在线的赫芬顿邮报和科技博客新闻网站。

    Together they will have more than 25 brands , including Yahoo Mail , Flickr and Tumblr as well as AOL 's Huffington Post and Techcrunch news sites .

  2. 用户可以将照片上传到谷歌的Picasa网络相册,后者提供1G的免费空间。

    Users can upload photos to its Picasa Web Albums photo-hosting service , which provides one gigabyte of free storage .

  3. 由于未申请到高级API,提供测试用户登录,可获取个人信息、好友列表、网络相册、上传图片、下载图片的功能。

    Because not apply to advanced API , provides the test user login , can access personal information , friends list , online albums , upload pictures , download pictures of the function .

  4. 除了拒绝微软公司(Microsoft)的收购要约,雇佣前任CEO卡罗尔•巴茨之外,雅虎最后一个真正大胆的举措或许是收购网络相册服务商Flickr公司。

    The last really bold move Yahoo made was probably acquiring Flickr ( aside from turning down the Microsoft acquisition offer , or the previous hire of Carol Bartz ) .

  5. 超过一半妈妈称已经用网络相册代替传统像册。

    More than half say they have replaced traditional photo albums with online photo-sharing services .

  6. 系统的主要功能包括:交友、上传日志、创建网络相册、新鲜事的展示。

    The main function includes proceeding social behavior , uploading blogs , creating album and displaying news .

  7. 备注:可以拍摄、编辑、查看、分享本地相册以及网络相册。

    Note : You can shoot , edit , view , share local albums , and web album .

  8. 然后采用问卷调查、深入访谈和观察法来对网络相册使用现状进行了调查,得到了主要用户群体的具体设定和用户群体的需求分析。

    And then we carry out an investigation into the status quo of the Web album usage by taking questionnaire survey , an in-depth interviews and observation . After the investigation we get the definition of the major users and the requirement analysis .

  9. 这个基于网络的相册也可以存储视频,在Windows和Mac电脑上都工作良好,我能够将iPhone上的图片上传到这个相册中。

    The Web-based photo gallery , which can also house videos , worked fine on both Windows and Mac , and I was able to upload photos to it from my iPhone .

  10. 利用酷米客网络平台提供的服务,本次设计的定位手机功能包括:手机定位导航,SOS报警,在线微博,网络相册,天气预报。

    We designed five features for the mobile phone this time , including : location and navigation , SOS alarm , the online microblog , Web Albums and Weather Forecast .