
  • 网络Network related;Internet
  1. 自2005年以来,FCC采用了四个政策性原则,以保证网络相关案例的执法。

    Since two thousand five , the F.C.C.has used four policy principles to guide its enforcement in cases related to the Internet .

  2. 另一方面,随着计算机和网络相关技术的普及和应用,现代教育技术成为研究的热点。

    On the other hand , with the dissemination of computer and internet technology , MET becomes a hot research issue .

  3. 并且几乎所有的Java应用都与网络相关。

    And almost all the Java applications are related with the network .

  4. 随着嵌入式技术的不断成熟和Internet技术的飞速发展,使得基于嵌入式系统的网络相关研究已经成为现实。

    With the embedded technology matures and the rapid development of Internet technology , the research of network-related based on embedded system become a reality .

  5. 然而,正是这些极具优势和应用潜力的特点却为移动adhoc网络相关技术的研究带来了新的问题和挑战。

    It is these advantages , however , that brings new challenges for mobile Ad Hoc network research .

  6. 剩余的CPU开销只是在等待数据库和网络相关的IO。

    The rest of the CPU was just overhead waiting for database and network related IO .

  7. 作者熟悉并掌握了CDMA移动通信网络相关理论知识和协议;

    The author was familiar with and has grasped the CDMA mobile communication network correlation theories knowledge and the agreement ;

  8. 例如,有效的TLD包括com(商业)、edu(教育)和net(网络相关)。

    For example , valid TLDs included com ( commercial ), edu ( educational ) and net ( network related ) .

  9. 这个分两部分的系列讨论可以帮助系统管理员在AIX®上诊断TCP/IP网络相关问题的工具。

    This two-part series discusses the tools that can assist the systems administrator in diagnosing TCP / IP network-related issues on AIX ® .

  10. XML(半结构化语言)已经成为一种最重要的数据载体,在Web服务、电子商务、数字图书馆等诸多网络相关应用领域已经成为描述数据的事实上的标准。

    XML ( Semi-structured language ) has become one of the most important data carrier , and has become the standard of describing data in Web services , e-commerce , digital libraries , and many other network-related applications .

  11. 下面列出与AIX网络相关的一些常见问题并提供诊断方法。

    The following section lists a number of common AIX network-related issues and provides a guide for diagnosis and what to look for in each one .

  12. 目的研究血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)在老年口底癌组织中的地位及作用,探讨老年口底癌的发病机制、临床分期和病理分级及VEGF网络相关情况。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression level of VEGF ( Vascular endothelial growth factor ) in carcinoma of the floor of mouth and its clinical stages and clinicopathologic grade .

  13. 以上代码的执行现在是线程安全的了:网络相关的操作在单独的线程里完成,而ImageView是在UI线程里操纵的。

    Now this implementation is thread-safe : the network operation is done from a separate thread while the ImageView is manipulated from the UI thread .

  14. 通过执行网络相关操作的强制访问控制策略,并根据IPSec协议对网络通信执行强制加密策略,从而构造具有广泛适应性的网络安全体系结构模型。

    In this paper , the widely flexible network security architecture model is constructed by providing network related mandatory access control policy and performing mandatory encryption policy on network communication based on IPSec protocols .

  15. 为了给该类问题寻求有效的快速识别算法,在CRC约束网络相关工作基础上,提出了CRC约束矩阵的标准型。

    This paper intends to find an efficient recognition algorithm for the class of constraint networks . In this paper , a standardized form for the CRC constraint matrix is proposed based on the related findings on CRC constraint networks .

  16. 中国正在制订家庭网络相关标准的组织主要有3个,分别是信息设备资源共享协同服务标准工作组(IGRS)、e家佳和中国通信标准化协会(CCSA),目前都已有了一些研究成果。

    The Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing ( IGRS ) working group , Home Network Standard Industrialization Alliance and China Communications Standards Association ( CCSA ) are three leading standardization organizations for home networks in China . They have made some achievements in standardization research of home networks .

  17. 文章针对系统可用性,分析了BWFS所面临的网络相关故障,从系统软件角度阐述了BWFS所采用的网络容错技术,并对其效能进行了相应的测试比较。

    Aiming at the system availability , the article analyses the fault about network faced by BWFS , expatiates the technology of network fault-tolerant adopted by BWFS from the view of system software , tests and compares its efficiency .

  18. 相应地,与光网络相关的通信系统中的路由、交换、控制等都得到了与电网络类似的研究。

    Correspondingly , routing , switching and controlling have all been developing .

  19. 开发和管理与社会网络相关的业务规划

    Develop and manage business plans related to social networking

  20. 西方地方生产网络相关研究综述

    The Literature Review on Western Local Production Networks

  21. 相信对于网络相关立法不完善的我国来说有很大的可鉴之处。

    I believe the network of relevant legislation is imperfect lesson of a great place .

  22. 那篇文章最后详细讨论在遇到网络相关问题时如何进行符合逻辑的问题诊断。

    The article will conclude with a step-by-step guide to logical problem diagnosis when encountering network-related issues .

  23. 基因网络相关的研究是生物信息学的重要研究领域。

    Gene networks related research has now become one of the most important research areas in Bioinformatics .

  24. 通常,只有在与网络相关的应用程序由于某种原因失败时,您才会去寻找网络问题。

    Typically , you will identify a network problem only when a network-related application fails for some reason .

  25. 诊断任何网络相关问题的第一步都是检查目标主机是否正在运行。

    The first step in diagnosing any network-related issue is to verify whether the target host is running .

  26. 为用几何方法分析与电网络相关的一类问题提供了启示。

    This paper gave an inspiration of using geometrical methods to analyze the kind of problem of electric networks .

  27. 但是,一定要确认问题是与网络相关的,而不是其他地方的问题。

    However , it is important to identify that the problem is network related and not a problem elsewhere .

  28. 同步振荡的产生,是网络相关系数和抑制性反馈强度的非单调关系存在的基础。

    The non-monotonic relationship between the correlation coefficient and the feedback gain is existed due to the synchronized oscillations of the network .

  29. 通过对生物神经网络相关知识的学习,有助于更深入地去学习和理解人工神经元的构成及其工作原理。

    Based on the biological neural network knowledge learning , contribute more to learn and understand the structure and work principle of artificial neurons .

  30. 首先通过信息探测获取双栈网络相关信息,然后对获得的信息进行处理并与系统双栈网络安全漏洞库进行匹配,对匹配的漏洞调用可用渗透测试插件进行相应的测试验证。

    First , snoop dual-stack network information through the detection of information . Then system will process information and match with dual-stack network security vulnerability database .