
  • 网络retransmission;Retransmit;HARQ;ARQ;G.inp
  1. HSDPA系统中高码率混合重传协议映射准则优化

    Optimization of Mapping Rules in High-Rate Coded Hybrid ARQ Protocol in HSDPA System

  2. 提出了一种适用于无线网络的基于多拒绝自动请求重传(ARQ)算法的拥塞控制方法。

    This paper develops a congestion control method for wireless networks based on multi-reject ARQ algorithm .

  3. 分析了自动请求重传技术的停等协议、回退n协议、选择重传协议和多通道停等协议。

    Stop and wait protocol , go back n protocol and selective retransmission protocol are analyzed .

  4. 一种基于网络编码的无线adhoc网络重传机制

    A Retransmission Mechanism based on Network Coding for Mobile Ad-hoc Network

  5. 链路层重传对无线adhoc网络TCP性能影响的研究

    How the Link-Layer Retransmission Affects the TCP Performance in Wireless Ad hoc Networks

  6. 无线网络下TCP重传定时器研究

    The Study of TCP Retransmission Timer on Wireless Networks

  7. 一种改善无线TCP性能的链路层重传方案

    A link retransmission scheme for improving wireless TCP Performance

  8. 浅析TCP协议重传超时计时器存在的问题

    Analysis concerning the Protocol of Retransmission Time Out

  9. 为提高性能和保证数据的可靠传输,TCP使用了重传计时器的概念。

    To gain higher performance and reliability , TCP uses the concept of Retransmission Timer .

  10. 置位法解决TCP重传二义性问题

    Settling TCP Retransmission Ambiguity with Setting Algorithm

  11. 基于TCP重传计时器的算法分析

    The Study of TCP Retransmission Timeout Algorithm

  12. 基于无线TCP的簇生丢失重传协议

    Clustered-Loss Retransmission Protocol over Wireless TCP

  13. 本文针对TCP协议的重传超时计时器存在的问题展开论述,并给出了一些建设性的解决办法。

    The essay discuss the case of " Retransmission Time Out ", and also offer several constructive solution .

  14. 在Linux中,除非得到应答或不再需要,这些包将一直存放在重传队列中。

    In Linux , these packets sit in the retransmission queue until they have been acknowledged and are no longer needed .

  15. 基于重传的蓝牙ACL链路传输性能研究

    Study on the Performance of Bluetooth ACL Link Based on Retransmission

  16. 可靠机制包括类似于TCP协议的重传、流量控制策略以及缩减通信量策略,使UDP传输具备可靠性。

    The reliable mechanisms are designed with TCP-like retransmission , flow control and decreasing traffic strategies .

  17. OBS网络突发包重传的实现及其TCP性能分析

    The Experimental Realization of Burst Retransmission on OBS Network and the Evaluation of Its TCP Performance

  18. 模型使用了超时重传机制给UDP协议增加可靠性。

    Timeout-Retransmission is involved to add Reliability to UDP .

  19. 与MobileIP与MPLS简单集成方案相比,使用TCP连接传输的数据中的乱序包和重传包显著减少。

    Compare with the Mobile IP and MPLS Simple Integration Scheme , out-of-order and retransmission packets of data transmitted by TCP are reduced .

  20. 自动请求重传(AutomaticRepeatreQuest,ARQ)已成为无线通信环境下提供可靠通信的重要方法。

    Automatic repeat request ( ARQ ) now has become an important method to provide reliable communication in a wireless communication environment .

  21. 考虑TCP协议中的超时重传机制,在小信号线性化的基础上,设计了一个基于观测器的时滞相关H∞状态反馈控制器。

    Considering the retransmission timeout mechanism in TCP , a delay-dependent H ∞ state feedback controller by observer is proposed via the small-signal linearization .

  22. 这篇文章关注的是TCP重传超时(RTO)计时器初始值的设定。

    This article focuses on the TCP Retransmission Timeout Arithmetic .

  23. 选择重传ARQ结合自适应调制系统的跨层分析和设计

    Cross-layer Analysis and Design of SR-ARQ Combined with Adaptive Modulation Systems

  24. AVS视频的分层重传优化策略与实现

    Optimized Strategy and Implementation of AVS Video Layered Re-transmission

  25. RLC重传模式对流媒体业务的影响

    The Influence of RLC Retransmit Mode on Streaming Media Service

  26. 重传队列中包的数目基本上取决于两台主机间的带宽延迟效果(bandwidthdelayproduct,BDP)。

    The number of packets in the retransmission queue is fundamentally driven by the bandwidth delay product ( BDP ) between the two hosts .

  27. 混合式自动重传请求(HARQ)已成为CDMA无线信道上差错控制的主要技术。

    HARQ is the main error correcting technology on CDMA wireless channel .

  28. 仿真结果表明,与传统方案相比,自适应选择重传方案在高误帧率环境下以较低的误包率、略大的传输时延获得了较高的TCP吞吐量。

    Numerical results demonstrate ASR-ARQ can achieve much lower packet error rate with slightly longer delay and higher TCP throughput than the conventional scheme .

  29. 特定于LinuxSACK处理器的攻击场景要求重传队列中已经持有大量包。

    The specific attack scenario for a Linux SACK processor requires a retransmission queue that already holds large numbers of packets .

  30. 结果表明,利用RS码强的纠错能力,通过有限次的重传就可获得低的信元丢失率和传输时延。

    It is found that , by restricting numbers of retransmission , low transmission delay and cell loss rate can be obtained .