
chóng féng
  • meet again;have a reunion
重逢 [chóng féng]
  • [meet again;have a reunion] 分别后又见面;再次相逢;再遇见

  • 久别重逢

重逢[chóng féng]
  1. “我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。

    ' I sincerely hope we shall meet again ' , he said

  2. 我知道,不久我们就会在汉诺威广场那间小咖啡馆里重逢。

    I know it won 't be long before we meet again in that small cafe in Hanover Square .

  3. 30年后姐妹俩重逢,就像做梦一样。

    It was a magic moment when the two sisters were reunited after 30 years .

  4. 对我来说就像久别的姐妹重逢一样。我们聊呀聊呀,话总是说不完。

    For me it was like meeting a long-lost sister . We talked , and talked , and talked

  5. 影片以在伦敦重逢的激动场面结束。

    The movie closed with an emotional reunion in London .

  6. 离多年的好友又重逢了,他们非常高兴。

    The friends were glad to meet after so long a separation .

  7. 希望我们不久就能重逢。

    Hope we ’ ll be able to get together again before long .

  8. 在这里,教皇不仅与许多老朋友重逢了,而且还认识了不少新朋友。

    The Pope meets many old friends and makes several new ones over the next few days .

  9. 这一次我始终相信,会有一个人,从黎明到黄昏,在寻找我们。请相信,尽管我忘记了你的名字,但总有一天,我们必定会重逢,认出彼此。

    For this time , I strongly believe that there will be the one who keeps searching for us from dawn to dusk.To you , please believe that we must reunite in the future , even if I forget your name . One thing is certain . If we see each other , we will know .

  10. JUN知道后非常伤心,因为他非常渴望五个人能再次重逢。

    Very sad after JUN knows , because he wishes eagerly very much that five people can meet again again .

  11. 随着二战胜利67周年的日子临近,这正好是CBS新闻让这二位过去一直身份不明的两位主角重逢的好时机。

    Until just recently , their identities remained a mystery , but with the 67th anniversary of VJ Day coming up Tuesday , the time seemed right for CBS News to reunite them .

  12. 刚和满脸讶异的母亲重逢不久他就开始考虑接下来的任务“结婚,家庭,工作”他甚至注册了一个gmail邮箱的用户。

    Once he had greeted his startled mother and begun to consider the tasks before him - " marriage , family , job " & he signed up fix a Gmail account .

  13. 两人时隔九年再度重逢,Jesse却要在一个小时内赶去机场。和九年前一样,两人拥有的时间那么短暂。

    Though they meet again , Jesse is reminded that he has a plane to catch and must leave within an hour , so just like in Before Sunrise , Celine and Jesse 's reunion is constrained by time .

  14. 在巴黎时装周期间,在东京宫(PalaisdeTokyo)展示该品牌历史的展览上,拉格菲尔德先生与阿格依奥女士再次重逢,这一时刻非常温馨,因为自从上世纪90年代离开Chloé,他跟她就失去了联系。

    During Paris Fashion Week , there was a sweet moment when Mr. Lagerfeld , who had lost touch with Ms. Aghion after he left Chlo é in the ' 90s , was reunited with her at an exhibition covering the history of the label at the Palais de Tokyo .

  15. 好好干,为了重逢的那天!

    Come on , for the day when we get together .

  16. 他们重逢时,昔日之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃。

    Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again .

  17. 任务完成后魁刚返回之际与塔尔重逢了。

    Upon returning from this mission , Qui-Gon is reunited with Tahl .

  18. 我已经耽误了你们家庭的重逢够久了。

    But I 've intruded enough on your little family reunion here .

  19. 十年后我们才重逢。

    Ten years passed before we met each other again .

  20. 地球是圆的,东西总会重逢。

    But the earth is round , East and West will join !

  21. 我很期待将来能与他们在球场上重逢。

    I look forward to seeing my fellow players on the course .

  22. 她会在音乐中跟你重逢。

    And she would be with you in the music .

  23. 在他们重逢那天以后,她就不曾再自称是阿真。

    After that first day , she never called herself O-Tei again .

  24. 在和一位档案管理员进行过艰苦的交涉之后,我与母亲再度重逢。

    My re-encounter with my mother involved painstaking negotiation with an archivist .

  25. 享受着走过经年的重逢的欢悦,回归,真好!

    Enjoying through years of reunion joy , regression , how nice !

  26. 父母和孩子显然没有重逢的机会。

    There is obviously no chance of a reunion between parents and child .

  27. 重逢时,10岁的奎比已在野生丛林中生活了5年。

    By then , 10-year-old Quabe had lived in the wild for5 years .

  28. 所以我们当然要重逢

    So of course we had to meet again .

  29. 我们很快会重逢的,我的兄弟。

    We 'll meet again soon , my brother .

  30. 好了,很高兴与你重逢,爱尔兰男。

    Okay . Nice to see you , Irish .