
zhòng tóu xì
  • Highlights;a play involving much singing and action;an opera difficult to act or sing;an opera with much singing and acting
重头戏 [chóng tóu xì]
  • [an opera with much singing and acting] 指唱工和做工很重的戏

重头戏[zhòng tóu xì]
  1. 在演那场重头戏之前,我非常紧张。

    I got very nervous before my big scene .

  2. 这一盛事如今已是第5个年头,其重头戏是一场精彩纷呈的时装秀。

    This spectacular event , now in its 5th year , features a stunning catwalk show .

  3. YanqiLake|雁栖湖距北京市中心约50公里的怀柔雁栖湖,是此次APEC会议周的最重头戏——领导人非正式会议会场所在地。

    The APEC Economic Leaders ' Meeting will be held near Yanqi Lake , 50 kilometers north of Beijing 's downtown area .

  4. 该文化节今年的重头戏《美猴王:西游记》(Monkey:JourneytotheWest)非常热闹,与以往的节目大不相同。

    The festival 's centerpiece this year , the boisterous spectacle " Monkey : Journey to the West , " is a notable departure .

  5. AppleMusic的推出是重头戏,这是苹果与Beats电子(BeatsElectronics)共同开发的应用和音乐服务。

    The company highlighted the announcement of Apple Music , an app and music service that it developed with Beats Electronics .

  6. 社区卫生服务(CommunityHealthService,CHS)是承担初级卫生保健的重要载体,建立社区卫生服务机构-综合/专科医院新型双层服务体系是目前我国卫生改革的重头戏。

    Community Health Service ( CHS ) organization is of vital in developing primary health care , and is the important role in the two-level new health service system in China during the health innovation process .

  7. 现在重头戏来了,根据惠普的说法,其于近期收购的英国软件公司autonomy存在大规模违规会计操作。

    Now , to top it off , come claims of massive accounting distortion at autonomy , the British software company that was the object of the latest of those deals .

  8. 德国电影节基本上由中国的歌德学院(Goethe-InstitutChina)主办,施隆多夫作品的回顾展是本届电影节的重头戏。

    The German film festival , largely organized by the Goethe-Institut China , had as its centerpiece a retrospective of Mr. Schl ? ndorff 's films .

  9. 随着2017-18赛季NBA赛程的公布,现在你可以查看日历以确保不会错过从赛季初开始的任何一场重头戏。

    With the release of the NBA schedule for 2017-18 , you can now make sure you don 't miss any of the biggest matchups from the season ahead .

  10. K12有将允许调整这出戏在不同的时间,而这出戏发生AI的每个重头戏多个分支。

    In2K12 there will be multiple branches for each play , which allows the AI to adjust the play at different times while the play is occurring .

  11. 温斯坦公司今年参赛的重头戏《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)周五上映,显然是想借助颁奖季的势头。该片两个月前获得了多伦多国际电影节的观众选择奖。

    The Weinsteins " big horse in this year 's race , " The Imitation Game , " opened on Friday , two months after winning the Toronto International Film Festival 's audience award , and doubtlessly riding that awards momentum .

  12. 在杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)2017年女装春夏发布会上,印有“山寨”标识的T恤成为了重头戏;

    At Dolce & Gabbana , " fake " logo T-shirts were made a central part of the women 's SS17 collection .

  13. 它的10美元保卫战是目前市场上的重头戏之一。3M公司也是这样,尤其是由于其“上游”业务同全球的大量制造业活动有关。

    Its battle to stick above $ 10 a share is one of the key skirmish lines in the current market.3M fits in similarly , especially given its'upstream'exposure to a lot of manufacturing globally .

  14. 里昂证券研究部负责人布拉德利(EdmundBradley)说,这其实是我们的重头戏,我们的客户显然很想听到那些曾参与文化塑造的了不起的人们说话,这些人可以带来一些别具一格、值得回味的东西。

    ' It 's really our flagship event , ' says Edmund Bradley , CLSA 's group head of research . ' Our clients are obviously interested in hearing from remarkable people who 've had a role in shaping culture ─ people who can offer something unique and memorable . '

  15. 农机科技推广是实现农业现代化的重头戏

    Popularization of Agricultural Technology is the Key to Realize Agriculture Modernization

  16. 没有比任何抢了他风头的重头戏更让他憎恨了。

    Hates more than some other whack job stealing his thunder .

  17. 学业评价是课程评价的重头戏。

    Academic evaluation is the most important part in curriculum evaluation .

  18. 元宵节的重头戏是舞龙表演。

    The highlight of the Lantern Festival is the Dragon Dance .

  19. 其中的重头戏之一是一款战斗游戏。

    One of the big ones will be a fighting game .

  20. 对大宗商品来说,价格才是重头戏。

    For commodities , the story ought to be in the price .

  21. 文学翻译是翻译的重头戏。

    Literary translation is a most important part of translation .

  22. 虽然存在多种时髦的说法,但水力压裂法并非重头戏。

    Despite much fashionable chatter , this is not mainly about fracking .

  23. 大学英语教学改革是近年来高校教学改革的重头戏。

    College English teaching reform is the focus of recent higher learning reform .

  24. 在挪威观光的重头戏肯定就在峡湾地区。

    The highlight of a traveling in Norway has to be the Fjords .

  25. 在我国,边疆治理是国家治理的重头戏。

    In China , the border area government is a national governance highlights .

  26. 但对美国而言,美中关系才是重头戏。

    But for the us the relationship with China is the consequential one .

  27. 而移动数据库是移动办公中的重头戏,是移动办公得以实现的基础。

    The mobile database is the foundation and the key to mobile office .

  28. 我们今晚的重头戏是女子泥浆摔跤。

    Our main attraction tonight is lady mud wrestling .

  29. 但一直以来游戏都是求偶的重头戏。

    But gamification has always been a big part of the mating mix .

  30. 你是重头戏,知道吗,直接走到她面前

    You 're the hammer , okay ? You get in her face .