
  • 网络Doomsday Clock
  1. 这个有原子能科学家在1947年创建的世界末日时钟旨在警告世人核武器的危险性。当时他们将时钟往午夜的方向拨了5分钟。

    The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , which created the Doomsday Clock in1947 to warn the world of the dangers of nuclear weapons , advanced the clock to five minutes until midnight .

  2. 末日意识两相时钟方案

    Two - phase clocking

  3. 金融末日倒计时时钟已开始在新闻节目和网站上亮相:人们很难相信这会有助于振奋消费者的精神。

    News broadcasts and websites have started featuring clocks counting down the minutes to financial Armageddon : it is hard to believe that this will lift consumers ' spirits .