
  • 网络capacitance meter;C&L Meter
  1. 针对有载分接开关偏移电压测量问题进行了多方面的研究,并采用电容表、电桥、直流加压、交流加压和励磁法进行测量。

    To the question of OLTC deviation voltage measurment , by capacitance meter , electric bridge , DC-voltage method , AC-voltage method and excitation method , many researchs and practical measurements are taken .

  2. 双电层电容器高比表面积活性炭的研究

    Study on the Activated Carbon of High Specific Surface Area for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors

  3. 从循环伏安法结果得知,被修饰过之电极在水溶液极电极之电容电流及其表面积均较大。

    Cyclic voltammograms of the modified electrodes showed that the capacitive current and area of the solution-electrode interface were rather large .

  4. 以石油焦为原料,KOH和NaOH为活化剂制取双电层电容器用高比表面积活性炭电极材料。

    The activated carbon of high specific surface area is prepared with petroleum coke as raw material , and KOH and NaOH as activators .

  5. 以微波为热源,优质无烟煤为原料,KOH为活化剂制备超级电容器用高比表面积活性炭电极材料。

    Using microwave as the heat source , anthracite as the raw material , KOH as catalyst to prepare supercapacitor with activated carbon .

  6. 电容式油量表零、满值调整及故障分析

    Zero-full Point Adjustment of Capacitance Oil Gauge and Failure Analysis

  7. 电容式油量表传感器测试误差修正

    Method of Error Compensation for the Capacitance Oil-meter Sensor

  8. 运用化学活化法制备了超电容器用高比表面积活性炭。

    High specific surface area activated carbon ( AC ) for supercapacitors was fabricated by chemical activation method .

  9. 研究还表明,多孔炭的比电容不仅与比表面积有关,而且与孔径大小有关。

    The specific capacitance not only correlates with surface area , but also depends on the pore size distribution of carbons .

  10. 以煤焦油沥青为原料,在不同温度下调制得到碳质微晶结构的中间相沥青,采用化学活化法制得超级电容器用高比表面积活性炭。

    Using coal-tar pitch as raw material , the mesophase pitches with carbonaceous crystallites were produced at different temperatures , and the ultra-high surface area activated carbons for supercapacitors were prepared by chemical activation .

  11. 在介绍电容式油量表传感器的测试方法的基础上,着重分析了对测试结果产生较大影响的温度误差、换油误差修正方法,并以具体电路作了说明。

    On the base of introducing test of the capacitance oil meter sensor , the author puts emphasis on analyzing the compensation methods of the error from temperature and the error from exchange oil that they have bad influence over the test outcome , and illustrates specific circuits .