
  • 网络film criticism
  1. 论后现代主义电影批评在中国的发展

    Of Development of Post - Modernistic Film Criticism in China

  2. 中国电影批评:反思中前行

    Chinese Movie Criticism : Moving Ahead while Reflecting Back

  3. 论西方的中国电影批评

    On Critiques of Chinese Film : A Study

  4. 中国电影批评的两难困境

    The Dilemma of Film Criticism in China

  5. 中国电影批评的话语霸权意识

    Discursive Hegemony in Chinese Film Criticism

  6. 纵观自上世纪20年代以来的中国电影批评,民族这一概念始终是重要内容之一。

    From 1920 , the " nation-discurse " has been an important part in Chinese Film Criticism .

  7. 同时,后现代主义理论为这种电影批评提供了众多的思想资源和研究方法。

    Meanwhile , the post-modernism theory provides this kind of film criticism with ideas and research methods .

  8. 同时,电影批评并不是一个纯粹理性的活动,而是建立在感性经验之上的。

    At the same time , film criticism is not a purely rational process but built on the perceptual experience .

  9. 女性主义电影批评大致经历了三个阶段,即形象批评、叙事结构批评和文化批评阶段。

    There are about three stages in the feminism film criticism such as image criticism , narrative construction criticism and culture criticism .

  10. 电影批评的出现与发展离不开电影理论扣电影史的双重作用。

    The appearance and development of film critique can not reject the double effect what film theory and film history have proved .

  11. 这是墨西哥的真实故事,所以有电影批评当地教会早已是意料中事。

    This is true of Mexico , so it is not unexpected to find a film that takes a critical look at the local church .

  12. 电影批评的总体规律表现为主客体的对应、历史原则与现实原则的统一以及批评主体的动态结构。

    The general rules of cinematics critique show that the parallelism of subjectivity and objectivity , unification of historical and real principles and dynamic structure of critique subjectivity .

  13. 尽管在电影批评界、文化评论界,不少人对他的作品不以为然,甚至颇多微词,但是他的成功却是有目共睹的。

    Although in film critical circles and critical circles of culture , there are some disputes or veiled criticism about his works , but his success is obvious to all .

  14. 文章回顾、总结了新时期以来中国电影批评的经验与教训:新时期以来,中国电影批评已呈现危机。

    It reviews and summarizes the experience and lessons obtained from the development of movie criticism since the new age of China , and points out the crisis it faces .

  15. 本文是上海交通大学出版社即将出版的《新世纪中国电影批评》一书的序言。

    This article is the preface of " The Criticism on Chinese Movie in the New Century ", which will soon be published by the Publishing House of Shanghai Jiao Tong University .

  16. 电影批评作为电影接受的一个更高层次,在互联网中也开辟了一方属于自己园地,呈现出大众化、自由化、浅俗化的特点。

    As a higher level of movie acceptance , movie criticism has opened a new demesne in the Internet , which takes on the following features : popularity , freedom and plainness .

  17. 电影批评史中的很多晚近理论都认为,与其它电影理论相比,电影精神分析或许最终将证明自身具有最重要的影响。

    In the history of film criticism , many later and recent theories believe that compared to other film theories , the film psychoanalysis will probably prove itself the most influential at last .

  18. 无论在传统电影批评还是现代电影批评的领域,类型批评都是重要的不可或缺的批评方法之一。它的研究对象类型电影的产生是大工业生产和艺术审美合力的产物;

    Not only traditional field but also modern field need genre film criticism , the research object of which is genre films derived from modern industrial production and mass aesthetic value of arts .

  19. 当某一个理论问题反复被提及,学术界始终没有就此达成相关共识,问题就仍然存在&而关于电影批评问题的讨论就是如此。

    An academic issue arouses controversy when some theory is mentioned again and again without reaching any consensus in the academic community . The discussion about film criticism theory just began in this way .

  20. 摘要后现代主义电影批评因为受到西方当代电影理论的强烈影响而有着鲜明的理论背景,它的研究对象囊括了中国具有后现代主义特征的电影在内的各种电影现象。

    The post-modernistic film criticism in china , with its object of study covering all varieties of phenomena in films characteristic of post-modernism in china , has an apparent theoretical background owing to the strong influences by modern western film theories .

  21. 这部分内容注重从批评实例出发,如对文学和电影批评实践活动的分析等,旨在于突出大众文化批评在大众文化泛化的当下存在的积极意义。

    This part of the contents of attention from criticism of examples , such as the literary and film criticism , such as the analysis of practical activities aimed at prominent public cultural criticism in the mass cultural generalization of the current existence of positive significance .

  22. 电影艺术批评是电影鉴赏的类存在。

    Cinematics critique is a kind of existence of film appreciation .

  23. 论电影艺术批评本体及其结构类型

    On the Critique Noumenon of Cinematics and Its Structure Styles

  24. 浅论电影艺术批评

    Criticism on Movie Art

  25. 他对过去五个月上映的电影大加批评,称他们毫无创意。

    He panned the last five months ' worth of movie releases across the board , calling them uncreative .

  26. 在谈到人们对他的电影的批评时,郭敬明说:“我们看《绯闻女孩》的时候,人们羡慕她们的生活,但涉及到中国类似的剧情时,人们就会说这腐蚀了道德。”

    When we watch ' Gossip Girl ' people envy their lives , but when it comes to the same kind of Chinese drama , people say it is ' moral pollution , ' ' he said , referring to the U.S. teen drama and criticism from critics over his films .

  27. 艺术人格:第四、五代电影导演的批评札记

    Art personality : critique of the Fourth and Fifth Generations of Film Directors

  28. 关于电影的作者批评

    On Author Criticism in Movie Circle

  29. 电影制片人有批评抱怨甚至公开批评审查制度的自由,但是无权作为。

    Film-makers have the freedom to gripe about censorship , even publicly , but no power to do anything about it .

  30. 意识形态与电影的意识形态批评形式、风格和意识形态&电影《蓝》的音乐与光线色彩评析

    The Form , Style and Ideology & The comment and analysis of the music and beam color of the film " Blue "