
  1. 第一章为绪论,介绍研究对象和背景,即新生的中国特产,电子现货市场。

    The first chapter of introduction , description of the object and background , that students of Chinese specialties , electronic spot market .

  2. 与亚洲电子元器件现货行业领导者地位相称的行业顶尖的薪酬待遇,包括累进制的底薪与优厚的佣金;

    As the industry leader in Asia , Compo offers the top level compensation package , including progressive base salary and high commission ;

  3. 如今,在许多行业都出现了基于电子交易平台的现货市场,如我国钢铁行业的东方钢铁在线等等。

    Now , many industries have appeared in spot market based on e-trade platform , such as Eastern Steel and Iron Online , and so on .