
  1. 那篇文章——罗恩·罗森鲍姆(RonRosenbaum)写的《小蓝盒的秘密》——描绘了黑客和电话飞客是如何通过模拟AT&T(美国电话电报公司)网络上接通线路的特定音频免费拨打长途电话的。

    The story , Ron Rosenbaum 's " Secrets of the Little Blue Box , " described how hackers and phone phreakers had found ways to make long-distance calls for free by replicating the tones that routed signals on the AT & T network .

  2. 这里出现了黑客的亚文化群--云集于此的有资深玩家、电话飞客、电子朋克、业余爱好�

    There was a hacker subculture -- filled with wireheads , phreakers , cyberpunks , hobbyists ,