
  • 网络Markkula;Mike Markkula
  1. 沃兹就在工作台边,他立刻就开始展示AppleII,”马库拉回忆说,

    Woz was at the workbench and immediately began showing off the Apple II , " Markkula recalled .

  2. 马库拉应用伦理学研究中心执行总监、授课教师KirkO.Hanson指出,课程供不应求的状况是由多种原因造成的。

    The course is in demand for many reasons , said Kirk O. Hanson , the course instructor and executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics .

  3. 但马库拉创建的公司EchelonCorp.未能达到这个目标,经历了坎坷历史。

    But the company he founded , Echelon Corp. , didn 't hit that target and has had a bumpy history .

  4. 乔布斯开始在晚上拜访马库拉家,

    Jobs began going to Markkula 's house in the evenings ,

  5. 马库拉的计划中设想了一些方法,来开拓业余爱好者以外的市场。

    Markkula 's plan envisioned ways of getting beyond the hobbyist market .

  6. 马库拉向乔布斯提议一起撰写商业计划书。

    Markkula proposed to Jobs that they write a business plan together .

  7. 最终,大部分的计划书是由马库拉完成的。

    Markkula ended up writing most of the plan .

  8. 但马库拉的预言中蕴含的精神得到了证实。

    but the spirit of Markkula 's prediction turned out to be true .

  9. 和马库拉一样,他也厌恶解决那些由乔布斯引起的矛盾。

    Like Markkula , he hated dealing with the conflicts that Jobs engendered .

  10. 马库拉耸了耸肩,说好吧。

    Markkula shrugged and said okay .

  11. 他们三个在马库拉家游泳池边的小屋会面,签订了协议。

    The three met in the cabana by Markkula 's swimming pool and sealed the deal .

  12. 于是他跑到马库拉的小屋,宣布自己不会离开惠普。

    So he went to Markkula 's cabana and announced that he was not leaving HP .

  13. 马库拉说这样是行不通的,他给了沃兹几天时间作决定。

    Markkula said that wouldn 't work , and he gave Wozniak a deadline of a few days to decide .

  14. 苹果成为了股份有限公司,马库拉、乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克三人各持26%的股份,

    Apple would incorporate , and he along with Jobs and Wozniak would each own 26 % of the stock .

  15. 马库拉把自己的原则写在了一页纸上,标题为“苹果营销哲学”,其中强调了三点。

    Markkula wrote his principles in a one-page paper titled " The Apple Marketing Philosophy " that stressed three points .

  16. 然而,华丽的服装和马库拉的谆谆教导都无法阻止闲不住的沃兹槁些恶作剧。

    The fancy clothes and Markkula 's injunctions could not , however , stop the irrepressible Wozniak from playing some practical jokes .

  17. 1977年2月,斯科特即将32岁,在他们的生日午餐上,马库拉邀请他成为苹果公司的新任总裁。

    At their birthday lunch in February 1977 , when Scott was turning thirty-two , Markkula invited him to become Apple 's new president .

  18. 沃兹回忆说。马库拉作了一个大胆的预测:“两年之后我们就会成为一家《财富》500强的公司。”他说,

    Markkula made a wild prediction : " We 're going to be a Fortune 500 company in two years , " he said .

  19. 马库拉成为了拥有公司1/3股权的合伙人,作为回报,他主动提出为公司提供髙达25万美元的信用贷款。

    Markkula offered to guarantee a line of credit of up to $ 250000 in return for being made a one - third equity participant .

  20. 马库拉不愿意再面对这些问题了,他决定聘请迈克·斯科特为公司的总裁,对乔布斯加以管束。

    Markkula was averse to confrontation , so he decided to bring in a president , Mike Scott , to keep a tighter rein on Jobs .

  21. 马库拉和斯科特于1967年同一天加入仙童公司,两人的办公室相邻,生日也是同一天,所以每年还一起庆祝生日。

    Markkula and Scott had joined Fairchild on the same day in 1967 , had adjoining offices , and shared the same birthday , which they celebrated together each year .

  22. 由圣塔克拉拉大学马库拉应用伦理学研究中心提供的,第一届免费无入学门坎大型网络公开课将于11月4日正式开课。

    The first unlimited-enrollment massive open online course ( MOOC ) offered for free by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University started Nov. 4 , 2013 .

  23. 这是马库拉的营销准则的一次实际应用:通过给人们留下深刻的印象从而把你和产品的卓越品质“灌输”给他们,这是至关重要的一点,尤其是发布新产品的时候。

    It was an application of Markkula 's admonition that it was important to " impute " your greatness by making a memorable impression on people , especially when launching a new product .